Legal Questions and Answers
In New York, can I claim emotional damages for breach of contract?
In the State of New York if a person Breaches a Contract, is the injured Party entitled to Emotional Damages after the fact?
05/27/2010 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: New York | #22254What can I as presumptive father when biological father files claim to them?
I live in Delaware, in 2006, I acknowledged paternity for 2 children. Recently, I found out that I am not biological father of the 2 children. In 2010, the other man (real father of the 2 children) filed with the court to claim both children to stand as father of the 2 children, but denied by 13 Del. C. _ 8-609. Limitation: Child having acknowledged or adjudicated father (b). C...
05/27/2010 | Category: Paternity » Court Action | State: Delaware | #22252How Do I Transfer an Annuity into a Trust?
our will is outdated. we sold all properties that was in the will and bought an annuity. this will have to be paid out in three years. how can we put this money in a trust for our children. we have four and only want it in one daughter's name to handle the distribution at our death.
05/27/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: Florida | #22250How Do I Get Letters Testamentary in California?
My husband passed away. We have a living trust. Some institutions are requiring a Letter of Testamentary. I don't know what to do to get one. I can't seem to get to the correct dept at the court house. Am I on the right path? Please help. This process is draining me.
05/27/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: California | #22247How Do I Prove the Mechanic Broke My Windshield and Overcharged Me?
I had drop my car servicing for not moving vipers. The mechanic estimates the job for $50 but overcharged me $161.30. Also broke the WINDSHIELD. Now he deny to take responsibility of damage. I can not prove the windshield was intact. The mechanic had broke that while work. Police advised for Civil Case.
05/27/2010 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: North Carolina | #22246How Do I File an Answer to a Complaint Filed By a Bank?
I have had A lawsuit filed against me and need to respond to the complait. What form do I need?Where do I get them. The defendant is A bank
05/27/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Summons | State: Washington | #22245How Does a Court Examine an Exhibit Attached as Evidence in Suppot of a Motion?
A Judge ruled in my breach of contract case that in my memorandum of opposition to a motion to dismiss that I did not cite the literature from the university that promises alumni access to the campus. However, I did cite the alumni brochure in the complaint and I included it as an exhibit. Should the judge have considered the citation and exhibit in the complaint when renderi...
05/27/2010 | Category: Civil Actions | State: New York | #22241Can I Rescind a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity in Delaware?
I live in Delaware, in 2006, I acknowledged paternity for 2 children. Recently, I found out that I am not biological father of the 2 children. In 2010, the other man (real father of the 2 children) filed with the court to claim both children to stand as father of the 2 children, but denied by 13 Del. C. _ 8-609. Limitation: Child having acknowledged or adjudicated father (b). W...
05/26/2010 | Category: Paternity » Acknowledgment | State: Delaware | #22240How is a Life Sentence Measured?
When a defendant is sentenced to a life sentence, does that mean the defendant is sentenced for the rest of his life or is there a set number of years that the defendant is sentenced too (i.e. 20 years, 25 years, etc)?
05/26/2010 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Washington | #22239What are the Remedies for Breach of Warranty of Title in a Car Sale?
Are there any legal actions that can be taken against a co owner of a car if they sell the car without the signature of both owners?
05/26/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: Virginia | #22238