Legal Questions and Answers
Can a Lease in Nevada Be Terminated Orally?
If there is no written lease in place and everything was done verbally, does the tenant HAVE to give a 30 day notice? If the tenant agreed to in lieu of paying a deposit, he would put the floors in, is he entitled to any amount of the deposit to be returned, even though he has not paid any amount to the deposit, just his own labor?
05/25/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Nevada | #22222Can a Homeoners Association Change the Rules After I've Lived Here for Years?
I live in a condo that is a converted apt. We have been giving 1 month to remove any washing machines we have in our units. I have lived there for 18 years and had my own washer for at least 12 yrs. I read my Rules that I was giving when I moved in, there is no mention about washing machines. Mine in not built in but is portable. Can they just change the rules and make me a...
05/25/2010 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: New Jersey | #22220Can a Landlord Lock Out a Tenant in New Jersey?
NJ landlord of condo building I rent from with my daughter grown up. She is still there I am staying as LANDLORD is fully sentient to clearly aware of for 2 long years we have always pay rent high but paid. Daughter finding new place cheaper as more room at that with some utilities paid so a better deal but i am waiting on the approval as I also applied at 2 other apt cheaper e...
05/24/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: New Jersey | #22219Can a Business Stay Open On a Legal Holiday?
Does a legal holiday mean that a business must close for the day? Are there any special requirements if a business is open on those days.
05/24/2010 | Category: Employment | State: Pennsylvania | #22218How Do I Get to Decide Whether My Father Enters a Nursing Home or Not?
My father is 85 years old. We live in Southeast Michigan. We recently put him into an assisted living home. We will be paying for it with his social security money, and the benefits he gets from Aid and Attendance from being a World War II veteran. We moved him to this nursing home because he can no longer physically take care of himself. It will slowly drain his and my mother'...
05/24/2010 | Category: Living Wills | State: Michigan | #22217How Do I Deed the Property of my Mother Who Died Intestate in New York?
My brother and I filed A Petition for Summary Administration with the county court and it was approved. My mother is deceased and died intestate. The clerk said we could file a quitclaim deed to have our names placed on the deed. However, I don't see a document that fits this need. What document would we need to achieve this goal.
05/24/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: New York | #22215Does The Father Who Molested the Child Need to Consent to a Name Change?
My 17 year old daughter would like to change her last name to her step-fathers last name. her biological father is incarcerated for molesting her and she does not want anything to do with him, can she change her name without his consent?
05/24/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: Texas | #22214What are My Property Rights in Divorce in New York?
Husband drafted separation form with separation of property and child provisions. We have been married for 12 years. He had a affair that I do not believe we can recover our marriage from. He brought a house while we were living together engaged. He has purchased a family property also while we were married. 1st question, do I have rights to any of these properties. 2nd q...
05/24/2010 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: New York | #22213What are My Rights In Georgia to Sell Abandoned Property?
Is their a timeline for disposal of property left or abandoned on your property in the state of GA?
05/24/2010 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Georgia | #22210Can We Cancel a House Sale Due to Delay in Getting Inspection and Appraisal?
We have a buyer who failed to execute the terms of our contract by not getting the appraisal or inspection done in the time they stated on their contract. We are nullifying their contract & wanted to know if their is a form we can have them sign along with us (the seller) to make sure we cover our selves. Do you agree with nullifying the contract on these terms & where can we f...
05/24/2010 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Louisiana | #22209