Legal Questions and Answers
Can a Car Be Sold Without Both Owners' Signatures?
What are the legal concerns if a car is sold without the co owners signature?
05/24/2010 | Category: Automobiles | State: Virginia | #22203How Do I Get My Money if an Investor Broke a Deal We Made?
I have an investment note due for payment to me since Sept. 09. I want to try to collect on the amount due from the individual in Idaho. he owes me with principle and interest approximately 50k. I have his personally signed note for that amount. What can i do to start collection and or criminal procedures?
05/24/2010 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Indiana | #22201Do I Have a Duty to Report a Plan for Murder?
My boss spoke of desiring to kill his old boss, graphically describing it. He spoke of killing a couple of people in the corporate office and in the same conversation said he was going to order a semi-automatic 308 gun. Later that same day he called the gun company and discussed ordering it. Because of this and other actions I became very afraid of him. I told the plant man...
05/23/2010 | Category: Criminal | State: Texas | #22199Can A Court Stay Payment of Property Taxes During a Divorce?
My mother filed a Divorce Action Feb 5, 1988 in PA. The action was bi-furcated and a divorce decree was entered Feb 22, 1989. Property settlement /equitable distribution occurred Oct 25, 2005. The Northampton County Court of Common Pleas held 650 properties in 42 counties 'in custodia legis' and The Court Ordered that the properties were 'stayed' from real estate tax sales ...
05/23/2010 | Category: Taxes | State: Pennsylvania | #22198How Long Does it Take to Probate a Will in Florida?
my mother died last june 2009. She left her estate to 7 children. She died in New Hampshire, held securities in the state of ma. How long should it take for the will to settle?
05/23/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Florida | #22197Can I Adopt My Grandchild in Florida if the Mother Signs a Paper?
I have guardianship over my grandson who is now 5 years old I have had legal guardian for 4 and a half years. I pay for all bills, medical and otherwise. The childs dad has been in jail for almost 3 years and the mother went to jail 2 days ago. She has 2 other children and lives in a one bedroom apartment, had no job, lives with the dad to her youngest child, pays no support, n...
05/22/2010 | Category: Adoption | State: Florida | #22196Can We Cancel a Release if the Assets of the Estate Were Hidden During Probate?
My adult children were requested to sign a Settlement and Release form stating that everything even their rights to their deceased father's estate would be released to his girlfriend. The estate was misrepresented by the girlfriend by her stating over and over again that their father had nothing and also she said that she would lose the house if they did not sign the notary pu...
05/22/2010 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: California | #22194What Can I Do About A Nigerian Person Threatening to Expose Photos on the Internet?
A person from Nigeria is threatening to post pictures to the internet if I do not send him $900 or arrange for a visa for him to enter the country.
05/22/2010 | Category: Criminal » Extortion | State: Washington | #22193How Do I Get Recourse For False Allegations of Sexual Harassment at Work?
What is the legal grounds on false accusation of sexual harassment to a employed or legal statutes or code's my former employer and my union can be charge?
05/22/2010 | Category: Criminal » Harassment | State: New York | #22192How Do I Seal Records in Colorado After a Deferred Sentence?
I was at the court for a deferred sentence after one year probation of child neglect but my record still child abuse, and my nursing assistant license is denied and I don't know what to do.
05/21/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Colorado | #22190