Legal Questions and Answers
How Do We Correct a Clerical Error on a Deed in Hawaii?
We sold a Hawaii Timeshare for $1.00. We filed a quitclaim deed in Honolulu. After it was recorded, it was discovered there was a typo on the unit number (off by one digit). Do we just file a NEW quitclaim Deed or do we AMEND or CORRECT the original deed? Does it make any difference which we do? Isn't the first deed null and void because it is not the correct unit number? We li...
05/20/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Florida | #22178What Type of Agreement is Used to Allow a Child to Purchase a Family Business in the Future?
Today I made a commitment to my daughter that she could buy out the family business in ten years. Do you have a form or template to use that that would protect her as an interested person and us as the owners of 30 years.
05/20/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: Utah | #22176How Do I Replace My Sister as My Mother's Power of Attorney?
My younger sister wants to resign from being my Mothers POA, she cannot handle the responsibilities of it and I have already had to fix the financial situation for my Mom while she is still in the Nursing Home. I live in the state of Vermont and have no intentions of moving to Palm Beach Gardens,Florida where my Mom resides. Mom is only 67 years old and I am trying to get her ...
05/20/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Vermont | #22175Am I Required to Give My Ex-Husband My Address to Comply With Visitation?
Parenting Plan in TN with TCA 36-6-108. I am primary custodian of my two children 6 and 10 years old. I moved 2 miles away from my previous address and do not want to share my address with my ex-husband. I can bring and drop kids off with him for visitation. Divorce was Feb 2005 pass the 2 year 50 mile restriction and still in TN not 100 miles away. Do I have to tell him m...
05/19/2010 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Tennessee | #22172How Do I File for a Writ of Habeas Corpus in Texas
I have a family member who has been accused of criminal mischief for damage to a truck. The truck belonged to her husband which is the son of the accused. the accuser was separeted at the time from her husband and still are today. The title was never transfered into either of there names and was not in the accuser's posetion at the time of the insudent charge's was not for thre...
05/19/2010 | Category: Criminal » Habeas Corpus | State: Texas | #22171If I Owe Money on a Judgment Can the Winning Party Refuse to Accept a Payment Plan?
If I have a civil judgement against me in NJ for $40,000 and want to set up a payment plan but the other side says no--all of it right now....Do I have any legal way to set up a reasonable payment plan?
05/19/2010 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: New York | #22167Can I Become an Owner if I Am On the Mortgage But Not On the Deed and the Owner Dies?
My name is on mortgage but not deed. What are my rights now that the other owner is dead and mortgage is still owed. can I get deed in my name now?
05/19/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: New York | #22164How Do I Replace My Mother as Guardian for My Adult Brother?
My 88 year old mother is the legal guardian for my handicapped brother who is 67 years old. She has asked that I become his guardian. What do we need to do to make this happen?
05/19/2010 | Category: Guardianship | State: Virginia | #22162How Do I Add My Name as Father to a Birth Certificate in California?
My son was born in Ca. but has lived in Oklahoma for 10 years. He has his mothers maiden name instead of mine and his birth certificate lists the father as 'unknown'. Can the birth certificate be ammended to show me as the father as well as his name change? Also does he need the package from California, where he was born or Oklahoma, where he lives now? thank you
05/19/2010 | Category: Paternity | State: California | #22157Can Homeowner's Insurance Be Cancelled if the Homeowner Dies?
does homeowners insurance get canceled or increase when homeowner passes in pa and home in vacant and on market with real estate firm?
05/18/2010 | Category: Insurance | State: Pennsylvania | #22155