Legal Questions and Answers
What are My Property Rights if my Wife's Name is on the Deed?
What are my rights on property owned, if my wife signed a Quit Claim at time of purchase? Due to bad credit. I would like to sell the house. The Bank required the Quit Claim before loan approval.
05/21/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Michigan | #22189How can I claim my deceased father's property if there was no will and he had a spouse?
what rights do I have to my fathers property? I don't know if there was a will, and I do not know his surviving wife at all. He died Dec 09 in state of Il, and had been married to this lady for four years. What can I do to find out, and if she does transfer her name to the property, does she have to legally notify me? I don't want this to be a mess, but I think I am entitled to...
05/21/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Florida | #22188May I evict my son-in-law from property I own for non-payment of rent?
My question is strange. I bought my daughters home originally so that here and her husband would not lose it. Until about six months ago he had been helping with the rent, now that they are having broblems he is not helping. As the owner came I legally have him put out or ask him to leave
05/21/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Virginia | #22187How do I respond to a Motion for summary judgment in Oklahoma?
I was sued for a debt and I answered the summons. The plaintiff has now filed a motion for summary judgment. How do I answer this? Looking on the website, I am unsure of which form to use.
05/21/2010 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Oklahoma | #22186Can I execute my judgment on the car of the judgment debtor in Ohio?
I have a judgement against someone. I had a debtors examination and found out that the car they own is free and clear. How do I impound the car and sell it for the money owed to me?
05/21/2010 | Category: Judgments | State: Ohio | #22185What is the Good Samaritan Law in Michigan regarding performing CPR?
Hello. I am inquiring about the the Michigan Good Samaritan law if any is available. I am getting a certification in CPR and I want to know my rights if I am sued.
05/21/2010 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Michigan | #22184Can I appeal a parole hearing decision in Colorado?
05/21/2010 | Category: Criminal » Appeals | State: Colorado | #22183How can a minor transfer property in California? Who must sign?
Transferred property to grandaughter age 11. Her parents still living. Need to file a Deed of Rescission to return property to original tax base. Where can I get proper form and who signs on her behalf?
05/21/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: California | #22182Can I protect my property from injury claims by placing a lien on it?
I am concerned about some one hurting themselves on my property on purpose just to sue for some money. I want to file a lien on the equity in my home. How do I do it?
05/21/2010 | Category: Personal Injury | State: New Mexico | #22181What does a creditor if debtor who wrote NSF dishonored check files bankruptcy?
I have a dishonored check for $35k. What if the person files bankruptcy and put this amount on it. Will she be still liable to pay the amount or not. What if I file report before she files bankruptcy?
05/21/2010 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: Idaho | #22180