Legal Questions and Answers
When Is an Employer Based in Nevada Required to Have Worker's Compensation Insurance?
I work for a company that is based out of Nevada. They lease property in Arizona. Is it legal for them to pay workmen's comp in Arizona even thou we work in Nevada?
05/18/2010 | Category: Employment » Benefits | State: Nevada | #22154Can I Get a Lien on Property that Already Has Two Mortgages?
Our daughter had a 2nd mortgage secured with our $25,000.00 CD. The bank got notice that the 1st was going to be foreclosed on, we had been making the payments on the 2nd mortgage for about the last 6 months hoping to be able to keep the CD, when the bank received the notice they paid the loan off with our CD even though it was secured. We are wondering if we can get a lie...
05/18/2010 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: Colorado | #22150Can a Wife Sell a Car of a Decesed Husband if She Is Not on the Title?
If A HUSBAND HAS A CAR HIS WIFE'S NAMe is not on the title and he dies can wife sell the car
05/18/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Alabama | #22148How Do I Write a Legal Ad for Service by Publication?
In what form should a newspaper ad be to perfect a small claims service on a defendant that cannot be located and has left no forwarding address?
05/17/2010 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Alabama | #22145When Can Exemplary Damages be Sought in Colorado?
Three short questions - Colorado - what is the CCR Rule for: Filing exemplary damages (Time and form), Jury Instructions by Rule and Failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted - CCR and legal definition.
05/17/2010 | Category: Damages | State: Colorado | #22144Can a Buyer Return a Car After 19 Days if the Sale Was As Is?
Buyer trying to return a vehicle purchased 19 days ago no misrepresentation was made by me. he wants money back plus. I had item checked over before I drove it to Pennsylvania. He is sending it back today. What to do? he signed a AS IS, hand written contract I wrote.
05/17/2010 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Maryland | #22137Can I Expunge a Federal Felony and Get Rights Restored?
Is it possible to expunge a Federal felony in California? Racketeering conviction with 3 year probation, no jail time. What are the procedures? Can one restore the rights to own a weapon?
05/17/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: California | #22136What is the Asset Limit to Qualify for Medicaid in Texas?
My Father is in the Medicaid program. Last year I bought a 2009 truck with the intention of leaving it at my Father's house so he can use it for transportation. I put it in his name for two reasons. First because I don't want to be liable in case a car accident occurs. Second, so that he could apply for handicapped licenses plates. (I also use the truck) Now my question is, bec...
05/16/2010 | Category: Medicaid | State: Texas | #22135Can a Parent Emancipate a Child in New York?
My son turned 18 in Feb.of this year, he quit school at 17, and has no intensions of returning. He now has a job making over 400.00 per week, but still lives at home. Can I start court proceedings to have him emancipated, so that my child support payments will end, and if so what do I have to do to accomplish this? I live in Nassau County and my ex wife lives in Suffolk County ...
05/16/2010 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: New York | #22134What are the Tax Implications of an Irrevocable Trust?
I'd like to open a special needs trust fund for my brain-injured son who is an adult and has just been granted social security benefits. He received $30,000 in back SSI payments. Going forward, his monthly payments will be SSDI. Even though it's my understanding that SSI money cannot be seized for child support, he was concerned that it would be and so we opened a savings accou...
05/16/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: Washington | #22133