Legal Questions and Answers
In Arizona how much time do you have to contest a will?
Is there a time limit on disputing a will?
05/13/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: Arizona | #22109Can I leave to majority of my estate to two of my children and only a small amount to the third?
I have 3 children, but want to leave one child only $100 and the other two children the balance of my estate in equal shares.I want to stipulate if the child that gets the $100 contests the will, she will get nothing.To be legally valid, what wording should I use to convey that intention in my will (form TX-WIL-01400)?
05/13/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: Texas | #22108Can I hold a business liable under a contract for changing the terms and causing a delay?
I signed a contract with a distributor for a piece of electrical gear. The contract was based on the distributors terms and conditions as well as the factories terms conditions. The factory had a workforce of 25+ years building the product but after I signed my contract with them they sold the product line to a company that had a new work force. Bottom line is the new factor...
05/13/2010 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: California | #22107Can A Prisoner Be Denied Exercise and Visitation?
I was incarcerated 80 days no exercise no daylight. Lights on 24 hrs a day. Toilet out in the open with camera facing it. I was in a car accident closed head injury and fibromyalgia severe pain with migraines only let me take anti depressants so I had withdrawal from other meds. I really feel not being aloud to see outside or leave the room other than 1 day a week for visitatio...
05/13/2010 | Category: Criminal | State: Michigan | #22105How Do I Evict my Brother From my Home in California if He Has No Lease?
How can I get my brother out of my home. I own it out right, there is not a rental agreement or lease. He lived there prior to my mother passing away and after numerous phone calls and emails requesting him to vacate, he still refuses. Also has not paid any rent or bills in over 19 months. he refuses to work also.
05/13/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #22104Can I Break My Lease in California Within Three Days if I Change My Mind?
I live in San Francisco, California and signed a one year lease and paid a deposit yesterday and today I do not want to move out of my old apartment. Can I tell them I changed my mind and get my deposit back? I heard that I had three days to cancel my lease?
05/13/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #22103Does a Person Whose Name is on the Deed Need to Also Be on the Mortgage?
We are in the process of purchasing a home with my father in law. He is putting down the down pmt. and we are applying for the rest of the loan. Can he be put on the deed of the house without being put on the loan?
05/13/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: California | #22101How Does a Health Care Surrogate Resign?
What responsibility does healthcare surrogate have if her brother is alcoholic and lives in poor conditions,does not take care of himself and will not let surrogate help him? How can healthcare surragate be relieved of responsibility and is she responsible for his physical and mental demise if she does not want to do it anymore?
05/13/2010 | Category: Power of Att... » Advanced Hea... | State: Florida | #22100Is a Step Parent Liable for Child Support in Pennsylvania?
I live in Pa and my girlfriend and I are about to move together with a possibility of getting married. He ex husband doesn't pay a dime in support. Somehow he manged to stop the support order. He told her that because he's an alcoholic he doesn't have to pay child support. Me personally I think that he knows someone in the child support office. My question is if she moves in wi...
05/13/2010 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Pennsylvania | #22099How Can I Settle With a Person Threatening Me With a Criminal Complaint?
My 12 year old son was involved in breaking in to a vacate home. He and other kids in the neighborhood thought it would be fun to have a clubhouse. Anyway, they did damage to the entry door and kitchen cabinets. The police were called and only two boys were caught in the house. The police could not contact the owner so no official report was filed; however, there is some re...
05/13/2010 | Category: Criminal | State: Nevada | #22098