Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Change the Name of My Child to My Remarried Name in New York?
What are the laws on a minor name change, I was never married to his father and I gave him his fathers last name, now I am expecting another child and about to be married and I would like my son to have the same last name as us, he doesn't see his dad at all, his dad hasn't looked for him in two years, the only father my son knows is my fiance, my son is now 2 1/2 yrs old.
05/13/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: New York | #22097Landlord wants to terminate lease to sell property. What should i do?
What are my rights and how should I be compensated. My landlord wants a early termination of my two (2) year lease, that was signed April 2,2010, to sell the property. There is no clause for early termination in my lease. my lease is for two years. I moved in April 2, 2010. the landlord has a buyer and he wants me to move out by June 11,1011. how should I be compensated for...
05/13/2010 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Washington | #22094How Do You Replace a Trustee When the Trustee Resigns?
My father passed away on 4/28/09. He had a trust set up in the State of Hawaii. A local bank was named trustee, but declined to be trustee after his passing. My 2 brothers and I signed a form acknowledging their withdrawal, but in no way declared that any of us would be trustee. No one in our family was willing to be trustee and as of now there still is no personal represen...
05/12/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: Hawaii | #22093Can I Deduct Interest on a Personal Loan to Buy a House?
Iam loaning my son money to purchase a town house. How do I make this a legal loan and for the IRS to allow any interest he pays to me?
05/12/2010 | Category: Taxes | State: Florida | #22091How Do We Limit Liability for the Information Our Company Publishes?
Our business has performed a statistic behavioral analysis of top performers in a business (what distinguish a top performer from an average performer), our final report includes a lot of hypothesis of what the data can indicate. What do we need to write to hold our company free from any claims due to wrong interpretations or uses of the report after delivery?
05/12/2010 | Category: Small Business | State: California | #22090Can I Tell an Employer About an Employee's Criminal History?
Let's say I have a daughter who has a history of criminal activity and drug use. She used to work for her father, a doctor, and used his DEA number to get prescriptions for people who didn't exist, and she stole money routinely for which she was arrested. Now she is in another state working for a group of doctors and I happen to go online and see that she was suspected in a the...
05/12/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Connecticut | #22085Can My Wife's Brother Throw Me Out of Her Mobile Home in Ohio?
I married my wife in 2008. She owns a mobile home that sits on her brothers property which she pays no rent and he refuses rent. since we married he has disliked me and continued to harass, intimidate, and threatened to evict me from the property even though my wife's house sits on his property. We are looking urgently to find a lot to buy to move the mobile home too or buy ...
05/11/2010 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Ohio | #22081What is the Statute of Limitations for a Sex Offense in Texas?
Can a person be indicted on a sex crime committed in 1989 and its now 2010?
05/11/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Limitations | State: Texas | #22080Can I Be Sued for Negligence of a Former Landlord if I Buy a Rental Property?
I'm buying a bank owned property duplex in Calif. One unit is currently occupied and listing agent (agent for the bank) has been collecting rent on behalf of the bank for last two months. I'm currently I escrow and still within my contingency period. During my inspection contingency period, a licensed HVAC company noted on their billing invoice 'positive indication of cracke...
05/11/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: California | #22079Can I Attend my Son's Deposition Hearing?
My son is representing himself (Pro Se) in a child support court proceeding. Can I, a non-laywer, assist him at the deposition hearing?
05/11/2010 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Maryland | #22076