Legal Questions and Answers
Does an 18 Year-Old Need to Be Emancipated to Apply for Financial Aid?
My husband and I took in an 18 year girl in January, 2010. Her grandparents had sole legal and primary custody of her until further order of court. She did not get along with them, and left two days after turning 18, and moved in with us. The girl spoke with the family court administrator at the court house where the custody order took place and they told her that she was 18, a...
05/10/2010 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Pennsylvania | #22058How Do I Avoid Probate in Texas?
Is there any way to avoid probate?
05/10/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Texas | #22057Is a ticket for underage alcohol consumption legal if they didn't do a breathalyzer or blood test?
Is a ticket for underage alcohol consumption legal if they didn't do a breathalyzer or blood test? Is there something we can do? It was on college campus.
05/10/2010 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: Colorado | #22056How Do I Avoid Going to Jail For Failure to Appear for Traffic Tickets in Texas?
My daughter is on SS Disability, she got 2 tickets in 2005. 1 was running a stop sign the other was going 15 owner speed limit. I knew nothing about the tickets.We found out that she missed her court dates so she had warrants out for the tickets and no show. Her tax refund for 2010 she went to pay them,but she owed still some money,they set up a plan with her but she did not t...
05/09/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Texas | #22049Can i Be Fired for Writing an Article About a Competing Business Entity?
I work for a local college as a Development Writer. I also free-lance for a local newspaper. When I was hired, my boss told me I could continue to free-lance as long as there was no conflict of interest. I also signed a form about conflict of interest. I just accepted an assignment for a free-lance story on a non-traditional student graduating from another local college. My bos...
05/09/2010 | Category: Civil Rights » Free Speech | State: Indiana | #22048How Does a Beneficiary Disclaim Property in a Trust in California?
We are in the process of a property being signed over to us from the two living beneficiaries of the Revocable Family Trust and we would like to know which form can document that legal activity? The type of property is real residential property and we want documentation to: 1) Document the legal activity of the two living beneficiaries to relinquish their interest and ownersh...
05/08/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Disclaimer o... | State: California | #22047Is an Accountant Liable for Failure to File Tax Returns?
our accountant failed to do our taxes for our bussiness and personal for about 41/2 years and really got us messed up with oweing taxes, penalities, intrest and fees could she be responsible form this?
05/08/2010 | Category: Taxes | State: Pennsylvania | #22045In New York is a Minor Emancipated if She Moves Into Her Own Apartment Out of State?
My 17, soon to be 18 daughter has moved from my home to Philadelphia and has signed a lease. She no longer wishes to live at either her father's or my home. She is not enrolled in college presently, and has no job. The child support that i receive is directly handed over to her. Does this constitute emancipation? If she claims her father's home as her home, even though she ...
05/08/2010 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: New York | #22044Can Property No Longer Owned By the Deceased Be Inherited Through a Will?
My husband's father died a year ago. There was a will made in 1999 stating that all his assets be split between him and all of his siblings, (5 sisters) his house was to be sold and split etc. After this, there was a quit claim done on the house to my father in law and my husband. It was filed in 2007 with the county. I have been told by several lawyers, that the quit claim ca...
05/08/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: Michigan | #22043Can a Single Power of Attorney Grant Different Powers to Two Different Agents?
IS it possible to assign power of attorney to more than one person: one for tax matters and another for all personal matters including personal finances if the principal becomes incapacitated or dies?
05/08/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: New Jersey | #22041