Legal Questions and Answers
How Long Can I Be Under Supervision Before Trial?
I was arrested on 3/24/10 for prescription fraud. I signed a supervised release agreement with Salt Lake County pretrial services on 3/25/10. I have called in M-F as instructed. Is there a time limit on this kind of supervision before a trial date? Doesn't the constitution give the right to a speedy trial?
05/30/2010 | Category: Criminal » Speedy Trial | State: Utah | #22271Does a Painter or Painting Business Need to Charge Sales Tax in Pennsylvania?
I am starting a painting business in PA. I plan on marketing my services to property managers of apartment complexes. My question is do I have collect a sales tax?
05/29/2010 | Category: Taxes | State: Pennsylvania | #22270How is Property Divided in Arkansas Divorce?
Prior to my current (2nd)marriage I was married and living in Florida. My 1st husband purchased a home - his name only was on the deed but mine was also on the mortgage. My 1st husband and I divorced. I re-married and my second husband and I lived in the home for one year. My 2nd husband drew unemployment during this time. My first husband quit-claimed the home over to my 2nd ...
05/29/2010 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: Arkansas | #22267How Do We Transfer a Deed to the Remaining Co-Owner After One Owner Dies?
Our mother and father were never legally divorced and lived apart for the last 15 years. He passed and there is property in his name that we have continued to make payments on, however the Mortgage Lender will not speak to us unless we go to an attorney and get a Administrator of Estate Document to provide to them. We believe my dad had insurance that paid off the property in ...
05/29/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executor Deeds | State: California | #22266What is a Notice of Rescission of Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale and Notice of Default a
What does a Notice of Rescission of Declaration of default and Demand for Sale and Notice of default and Election to Sell mean? It is notice hereby given that the beneficiary does hereby rescind, cancel and withdraw said Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale...... Intent of Beneficiary that the above described Deed of trust and all obligations secured thereby shall remai...
05/29/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: California | #22265Do I Need to Disclose the Buyer of Consigned Art Sales in California?
When selling consigned artwork CA requires that the Artist be given the personal information of the buyer. What do I do when the buyer does not want the information released?
05/29/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: California | #22264Can a Landlord Restrict the Number and Size of Dogs?
Is it legal in the state of Arizona for a apartment manager to make tenants re-register their dog(s) to enforce the dog restrictions? According to the lease any dog owner who signs lives in the complex must register their dog(s) at the time they sign their lease to include the pet's name, weight, type of dog and license number for the state of Arizona. There is also a restricti...
05/29/2010 | Category: Animals | State: Arizona | #22263Is a Consent to Search Valid if Signed Under Duress or Under the Influence?
if a consent to search is signed under the influence and under threat of severance of employment if not signed considered 'under duress'?
05/28/2010 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Arizona | #22262In New York, how far can my load extend out the back of my vehicle?
how far can a load extend out of a pickup truck with an eight footbox
05/28/2010 | Category: Automobiles » Traffic Laws | State: New York | #22256If parental rights have been terminated, how does father stop paying child support?
In state of Az if father pushed by mother to terminate his rights and he does and he still pays child support how can he have it stopped?
05/28/2010 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Arizona | #22255