Legal Questions and Answers
Can My 18 Year Old Move Out of the House in California?
My son just turned 18 and would like to move immediately out of his father's house. Our divorce decree states the custody agreement is binding until the age of majority. Can he leave?
04/10/2010 | Category: Minors » Age of Major... | State: California | #21740Can a Company Charge 300% Interest in Tennessee?
Can a company in Virginia charge 300% on a loan that involves holding the title of a person's car as collateral?
04/10/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Tennessee | #21739What's the Difference in Summary Administration and Disposition Without Administration in Florida?
Please explain the difference between what would qualify for disposition without administration and summary administration. If funeral and medical expenses have been paid and there are assets i.e. in a CD at the bank say under 20k, would an heir qualify to file for disposition without administration in Florida?
04/10/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Small Estates | State: Florida | #21738What Charges may be Brought if My Son Brings an Underage Girl Across State Lines?
My 18 year old son brought home his 17 year old girlfriend without any of the parents knowing. they did cross state lines. She lives in Maine we live in New Jersey.
04/10/2010 | Category: Criminal | State: New Jersey | #21736Should I Use a Contract for Deed or Contract for Sale of Commercial Property?
I am selling a motel with an apartment for $225,000. The buyer is paying 0 down, but will pay 2,000/month, make renovations, pay all taxes and utilities; then in 2 years will pay $250,000 CASH from her trust fund payment. I have letter from loan officer. Do I need a Contract for the Sale of Commercial Property; or a Contract for Deed. Property also has residence (an apartm...
04/10/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Tennessee | #21735Can I Assign a Contract to Another Buyer if the Home Seller Fails to Make Repairs as Promised?
This is a complicated situation. In the Spring of 2004 I spoke to a man about buying my home as a life estate allowing my wife and me to retain the right to stay in the home until our death. There were many repairs (some major and some minor) that we agreed on and would be performed immediately after we agreed to these terms that were agreed on over 6 years ago. Only a smal...
04/09/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: South Carolina | #21734What Forms Does a Dealer Need to Supply in a Leased Vehicle Sale?
What are all the legal documents needed to lease with purchase option to consumers with payment/tracking devices installed in the leased vehicle? We will be leasing and have ability to disable vehicle if payment is not made. Ownership will transfer to leasee at end of lease.
04/09/2010 | Category: Automobiles » Lease | State: Ohio | #21733Is the lessor of a car liable for injuries when lessee failed to maintain insurance on the car?
In Missouri regarding auto lease, if lessee is contractually required to keep continuous liability and physical damage and insurance is cancelled and wreck happens is lessor at all responsible if leased vehicle is titled in lessor's name? Also is there a Missouri statute I could go to for lots of info?
04/09/2010 | Category: Automobiles » Lease | State: Missouri | #21732What remedies are there if a bank will not accept a durable power of attorney?
how can you make a bank honor a less than five year old copy of a durable power of attorney?
04/09/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Idaho | #21731How can I secure a loan to my son against his home in South Carolina?
I have to loan my son $12000. He is in the midst of a divorce and owns his home without any debt or mortgage (it is in his name only). I want to know if there is a form (like a lien) that he and I can sign and get notarized, so that if/when the house sells, I can be assured of being repaid. He is agreeable to this. I am concerned that the divorce is not final and if there are a...
04/09/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: South Carolina | #21729