Legal Questions and Answers
Can a Sentence Reduction Be Given for a Sex Offense in Texas?
If you have been sentenced for aggravated sexual assault and are in prison can your time be reduced by hiring a attorney?
04/15/2010 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Texas | #21795Can A Dissolved Corporation Sue its Creditors in Califormia?
Can a dissolved California corporation sue an individual or another corporation?
04/15/2010 | Category: Corporations » Corporate Di... | State: California | #21794Can wife be charged with abandonment if leaving state for vacation?
My niece lives in Florida. She and her husband are separated (have no legal agreement). They share custody of the children. She has a chance to go on vacation to Hawaii with friends. She will not be taking the children with her. Her husband will be taking care of the children. Her husband says she can't leave the continental United States. Is that true? He also says he ...
04/15/2010 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: Florida | #21793How Do I Conduct a Deposition in a Divorce in Virginia?
How do I get a deposition for an uncontested divorce?
04/14/2010 | Category: Discovery » Depositions | State: Virginia | #21791Can an Attorney Replace Me as Executor if Hired?
I asked an attorney in Louisiana to help me with the succession of my mom's estate. He will be assisting me with probate and other estate matters. He sent me a retainer agreement with language that I am not comfortable with, although it may be standard language for this jurisdiction. Can someone tell me if I am allowing the attorney to act on my behalf as executor if I sign ...
04/14/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executors an... | State: South Carolina | #21788How Do We Respond to a Collection Agency for a Debt We Don't Recognize?
My wife has received a letter from a law firm representing FIA Card Services demanding payment on an old account - more than 8 years old, that we do not reconinze. What do we do?
04/14/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: California | #21787What is the First Step to Filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
My check has been attached by creditors. What is the first step to Chapter 13 so i can get a number and get them off my check.
04/14/2010 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: California | #21783How Can I Dispose of Property Left Behind Four Years Ago in Montana?
My Brother in law asked us to store a car engine for him back in 2004. We have asked him many times over the years to come and get it. He had since moved out of town and at one time said he didn't want it anymore. Now we want to sell it and get rid of it. He is threatening to sue us for theft of property, but still won't come get it. Is the engine considered abandoned property ...
04/14/2010 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Montana | #21782Can A Pregnant Teenager in Tennessee Live With Her Boyfriend?
I'm 17. I'm pregnant and my home situation is bad and really stressful. They want me to have an abortion, and I want to keep it. Can i move in with my boyfriend where it is a safer environment and the baby will be taken care of? I live in east TN.
04/14/2010 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Tennessee | #21780How Can I Terminate a Lease Early in Tennessee?
I relocated to a job from Nashville TN, to Boston MA: I used a broker to find a condo and paid the broker fee (1,500) and have a 2 year lease: I did see the unit once and was told the commute and the neighborhood had a lot to offer: I did ask while signing the lease if for any reason (job loss, etc) I was not satisfied with the unit could I get out? She indicated all I would n...
04/14/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Tennessee | #21779