Legal Questions and Answers
Can I Recover Vet Bills for an As Is Sale of a Puppy That Died of Congenital Problems?
I bought a puppy approx 3 weeks ago who had a congenital liver defect that caused her to have severe seizures, brain damage & had to be euthanized. The breeder states that she will refund my money when I give her all the documentation. Unfortunately I signed a bill of sale that said 'as is'. When I asked the seller re this he stated that he always wrote that as he sold used car...
04/13/2010 | Category: Animals | State: Oregon | #21778How Do I Add Surrounding Land to My Current Deed?
My husband and I are receiving property from my mother. My sister and her husband are receiving property also. My mother is dividing 10 acres into three lots. We currently live on part of this property and have it mortgaged. She is deeding additional property to us. The way the family division was done and approved is for the 10 acres to be divided into three lots. We wil...
04/13/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Alabama | #21777What is the Least Expensive Way to Collect Money Someone Owes You?
There are 6 family's that live on a private road which we maintain. We had gravel put on the road at a cost of $186 per family. There is one woman refusing to pay her share even though in her purchase agreement she agreed to pay an equal share for road maintenance. The deed was filed in the court house. She appears not to have a job, has 1 vehicle and 3 acres with a mobile home...
04/13/2010 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: Louisiana | #21776How Do I Change the Real Estate Described in a Trust?
I've since sold my house and said house was the address listed in my Revocable Living Trust. Now that I don't own that home and have since purchased a new home (5 years ago), I've completely forgotten to remove the old address and list the new one. What do I need to do at this point? Is there a form I need to fill out and have recorded?
04/13/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: California | #21775Can a Power of Attorney Be Used to Temporarily Care for a Relative's Child in Oregon?
My granddaughter from CA is coming to live with us here in OR for a time and my daughter wants to sign a power of attorney for me to manage her affairs here in OR. Is the CA power of attorney for the care of a minor all that we need for me here in OR?
04/13/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Oregon | #21774Is it Abandonment if a Spouse Moves Out but Still Pays Support in New York?
My son moved out of his home in mid December. he is still paying all of the bills and sees his daughter 3 times a week. Can his wife charge him with abandonment?
04/13/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: New York | #21773Do I Still Owe Child Support in New Jersey if the Child Enters the Miiltary?
Good afternoon. My Son is entering the USA Coast Guard Academy on June 28, 2010. I understand that entering the military academy's constitutes emancipation. Do I still have to pay child support while he is in the service?
04/13/2010 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: New Jersey | #21771Can I Change My Name by Usage in Illinois?
I was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1954 with both parents being native born US citizens. My last name on my birth certificate is Brzuskiewicz. In 1962 when I started grade school my parents were already going by the name of Brush. So I am now 56 years old and all my idenification : Social security, drivers license, IRS records, medical records, school records, employment, credi...
04/13/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: Illinois | #21768What is the Statute of Limitations in Pennsylvania for Malicious Prosecution?
What is the Statute of Limitations in Pennsylvania for Malicious Prosecution?
04/13/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Limitations | State: Pennsylvania | #21766Can I Dismiss My Divorce Case and Refile it in Another State After Moving?
I filed for divorce in South Carolina in January 2009. I have been legally separated for over one year but no progress has been made in case whatsoever; no child support, no custody, etc. although children are currently residing with me. We were forced to return to NC. as I could no longer afford to stay in South Carolina. We have now been here three months. Can I move my di...
04/13/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Dismissal | State: North Carolina | #21765