Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Change Back to My Maiden Name in Missouri?
how do I start to change my name to my maidan name?
04/18/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: Missouri | #21833When is an Estate in Texas Required to be Probated?
My mother and father were still married when he passed away. They are NM residents. Does my father's share of their estate have to go through probate? Or, dies my mother receive my father's share of their estate as surviving joint tenant and consistent with my father's will?
04/17/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Texas | #21830How Do I Transfer my Parent's Property to a Trust?
I am creating a revocable living trust & will fund it with real property. It will be for my parents who are 90 and it's their condo that is recorded in a Florida courthouse as joint tenants & their title is free & clear. I prepare a quitclaim deed that adds myself & my sister as joint tenants as well & have it witnessed & notarized for recording & doc stamped at m...
04/17/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: Florida | #21822Can I Remove My Neighbor's Encroachment on My Property by Myself?
I have a neighbor who is encroaching my property. This is confirmed by my survey, and hers as well (I have copies of both) There are some partial encroachments, as well as a woodshed that fully sits on my property. I have asked her many times, both verbally and in writing, to remove the encroachments or settle with me via a boundary line adjustment and property swap. She refuse...
04/17/2010 | Category: Real Property » Encroachment | State: New York | #21821Can I Sue for Defamation for a False Statement in a Police Report?
My wife on a domestic violence police report made a false statement by saying that I had used fraud to put my name on the house title. This police report got published and I can easily prove that she told a lie and had slandered me. Can I sue her for punitive damages for either libel or slander?
04/17/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Texas | #21820Can a Restraining Order Be Enforced in Another State?
Is a preliminary injunction issued in Louisiana enforceable in Colorado? The reason I ask... My ex husband has an injunction against my boyfriend in Louisiana and it includes my children. Will my boyfriend be held in contempt if he is around my children in Colorado?
04/17/2010 | Category: Restraining Order | State: Colorado | #21818How Can a Defendant Lose the Right to a Plea Bargain?
My sixteen year old son had a felony hearing 04/15/10. Before it was his turn to go in front of the judge, I accidentally overheard my assigned council and the felony D.A. in their meeting before court started. I am hearing with my own ears that my assigned council is not in my sons best interest! She was angry at our family for not following her advice, and told the D.A. to do...
04/17/2010 | Category: Criminal » Pleas | State: New York | #21817Can A Foreigner Be Restricted from Owning Land in the United States?
I am a German farmer, 37 years old, I live in Germany and farm there. I want to buy some farmland in South Dakota and in about 10 years I want to move over there and spend the rest of my life in South Dakota. Now I read on your homepage that foreigners can not buy more than 160 acres of land and that there are some more restrictions. Is there any way to buy more? I want to buy ...
04/17/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreign Tran... | State: South Dakota | #21816Can I See My Grandfather's Will?
How do I determine if my grandfather had a will? My grandfather died on April 14, 2010, and he had seven children, including my father, who died on June 24, 2009. My grandfather had considerable assets: 800 acres of land and money. I want to determine if there is a will, and if so, if I will be able to review it.
04/17/2010 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: California | #21815How Do I Sue My Insurer?
I would like to take my gap insurance carrier to court for breach of contract. What particular form would I need?
04/16/2010 | Category: Insurance | State: Virginia | #21812