Legal Questions and Answers
What Forms Do I Need to Collect a Judgment Lien in Florida?
I have a judgment and need forms to complete for sheriffs office. Can you help me?They are affidavit of levying creditor,affidavit of judgment lien priority,break order,affidavit of identity,instructions for levy, judgement lien certificate for Miami.
04/20/2010 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: Florida | #21850Can a Spouse Be Forced to Work Additional Jobs to Pay Alimony?
Is it a legal requirement for a man's overtime income or additional employment (in addition to his primary full time job as an airline first officer) be taken into account when determining the amount of spousal maintenance due? In other words, is it enforcable to make the man work more than 1 full time job?
04/20/2010 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: Colorado | #21849How Do I Evict My Mentally Ill Child in Missouri?
We have a 22 year old daughter, that has been staying at our house for past few weeks. She does not pay rent. She causing emotional stress. Due to her manic episodes. We need her to leave. We had her committed. She was released yesterday, and the police say we have to evict her. We need help. We live in Missouri.
04/20/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Missouri | #21848Does a Photographer Need Permission to Use Photos He Takes for Advertising?
I am a wedding a portrait photograper. Am I required to have a model release from my clients, (high school grads, bride and grooms etc) to use the pictures I took of them in self promotion situations. Like a brochure I hand out or a display at the local mall or on my website. Or to even display in my studio.
04/20/2010 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: Minnesota | #21845How Do I Tell a Tenant in Virginia the Lease Will Not Be Renewed?
The Notice for Non-Renewal of Lease Agreement, with 60-days to vacate - is this all that is required legally to convey to tenant, it is time to move?
04/20/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Virginia | #21844What are the Adverse Possession Laws in New York?
adverse possesion
04/20/2010 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: New York | #21843How Long After Completing Work Do I Have to File a Mechanics Lien in Ohio?
How many days do I have to file a mechanics lien in Ohio after I finished the job?
04/19/2010 | Category: Automobiles » Mechanics Lien | State: Ohio | #21842How Many Witnesses Are Required for a Health Care Power of Attorney in Indiana?
Can the health care power of attorney be valid with just one witness (non notary) in Indiana?
04/19/2010 | Category: Power of Att... » Advanced Hea... | State: Texas | #21841How Do We Evict a Friend Without a Lease Who Doesn't Pay Rent in California?
My brother & I own a house, (inheritance), brother let a friend that had just been released from prison stay there, felt sorry for female friend he had known for a long time. That was almost 2 years ago, can't get this person to leave. This person can become violent at times & I'm afraid she will destroy the house, she says she has no money & no where to go. How can we get her ...
04/19/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #21838How Do I Change Venue in California if a Summons Was Sent to the Wrong Address?
how to file motion for change of venue for family law case. original filings made with false adrs inanother county.
04/19/2010 | Category: Venue | State: California | #21834