Legal Questions and Answers
What Do I Do With the Deed After I Notarize the Deed?
I want to remove the name of my sister (with her permission) from our house. I know I have to file a QUIT CLAIM DEED.My question is, what do I do with the notarized the deed?
04/26/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: New York | #21918How Do I Resolve a Problem With a Distributorship Contract With an Arbitration Clause?
I am a independent distributor and we had a recient price increse along with new HHC are questions are not being answered and the priceing that they said we were to get is all messed up and keeping me from serviceing my route. the said in are contract we can go to arbitration. How do I go about this?
04/26/2010 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Kentucky | #21916Can I Prevent My Ex-Husband From Getting Access to School Records?
I am a mother and sole legal & physical custodian of two minor children. Their father has every other weekend visitation rights. I am also pro se in court. My daughter attends public school as a second grade student and my son will attend the same school next year as a kindergarten student.I understand the FERPA laws and don't have a problem with the children's father seein...
04/26/2010 | Category: Education | State: Illinois | #21915How Do I Settle My Mother's Debt?
I live in Georgia and my mother had a stroke 5 years ago with landed her in a nursing home. While in the nursing home she became late on a credit card account (15,000) which I tried to pay on numerous times but they told me they would only talk to her (a person who didn't even know her address anymore) I was told to send them My POA only them would they talk to me I sent them a...
04/26/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Georgia | #21914How Do I Create a Loan for a Seller Financed Real Estate Sale?
I'm working as an independent agent to purchase a farm property for another person. I going to lend the person 100,000 dollars and hold the first lien on the property. I also be the person who provides all the necessary contracts for sale and purchase of land and house. So, my question is: What forms and documents do I need to purchase & what is the full purpose of title insura...
04/26/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Texas | #21912How Do I Quit a Homeowners Association?
I bought a home in a new development in Florida last year. I also was entered into a HOA. The development has stopped all construction, maybe due to the economy, and I am the only resident in the development other than the developer. I think he may be facing bankrupty or foreclosure and he has stopped all amenities that were supposed to be provided by the HOA. Can I be disolved...
04/26/2010 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Florida | #21908Can I Sue For Alienation of Affections in North Carolina?
I was married for 10 years , and 3 children in my custody. Can i sue my wife's partners for the pain and suffering that they took me and my kids through? What is it called Alienation Of Affection?
04/26/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: North Carolina | #21903Can I Sue an Attorney For Slander in Court Proceedings?
I had a case, where attorney referred to me as litigation crazed, credit worthless and misinterpreting american dreams and american justice system and alleged extortion. We lost in trial. Appeal court reversed trial for attorney's alleged misconduct during trial of improper jury argument using terrorism, extortion, and citing criminal references in commercial dispute.I am to fi...
04/25/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Texas | #21902Can I Sue for Invasion of Privacy for a Student Pretending to Take Photos at School?
My son is in ninth grade. He was using the school bathroom last week and looked up to see a boy with a school video camera attempting to film him. Another boy was with this kid with the camera. My son reported this incident to his high school vice principal. There were also two witnesses who saw the boys with the camera, one who walked into the bathroom during the incident a...
04/24/2010 | Category: Privacy | State: New Jersey | #21899Do I Need to Get a Divorce if My Husband is a Bigamist?
Do I need a Divorce if my husband was already married when he married me?
04/24/2010 | Category: Divorce » Annulment | State: Nebraska | #21898