Legal Questions and Answers
How can I become a US citizen without replacing my green card?
I have lived in the US since just before my 1st birthday but have maintained a green card... recently my wallet was stolen and suffice to say so did my green card, social security card and drivers license......I am looking to become a US citizen and am wondering how to do this without replacing my green card.....PLEASE HELP.
04/30/2010 | Category: Citizenship | State: Vermont | #21959What kind of deed do I need to transfer a title from my name to my LLC?
I am considering purchasing a resort condominium in Galveston, Texas for daily/weekly rentals. I have been advised to set up an LLC. I am the only member. I have a pre-approval letter from BOA for the loan in my personal name. The attorney I have said I should get BOA to title it in the LLC name. BOA said they don't do that. I would have to close on the loan personally and...
04/29/2010 | Category: LLC | State: Texas | #21957What are guidelines for wholesale and retailers?
it is legal to sale wholesale and the same time sale retail and send coupons discount and override wholesalers?
04/29/2010 | Category: Misc | State: Texas | #21956Is a Husband liable to pay for a Judgment Against a Spouse?
In a civil judgement may a husbands wages be garnished to collect on a judgement against the wife and are there any other means available to collect the judgement?
04/29/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Georgia | #21955Will a Bank Modify a Loan if a Person Has No Assets or income?
Our daughter lost her job last year, could no longer pay her mortgage on a house she bought in 2008 that was soon under water, and got a job in Maryland. Bank of America has move to foreclosure (still pending) and rejected three short sale offers. She is trying to get information from the bank but will little success. Now she (a single mom) wants to move back into her house. S...
04/29/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Florida | #21953How Does a Spouse Transfer the House to the Other Spouse in a Divorce?
Husband and Wife are filing an Uncontested Divorce. The parties have agreed that Wife will Grant her interest in the Marital Home to Husband. The parties own the home in Joint Tenancy. Which Quit Claim Deed will they need to execute the transfer in ownership of the Marital Home?
04/29/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: New York | #21950Can the House Owner Lock Out the Unmarried Cohabitant?
When a long-term (9 years) unmarried relationship ends, and one person holds sole title to the house they jointly lived in and jointly supported, can the title owner change the locks/security code to prevent the other from access the house once the relationships ends? What if a short-term timeframe is defined to move belongings out (say within a 90 day window) - is this enough...
04/28/2010 | Category: Cohabitation | State: South Carolina | #21943Am I Liable for the Business Debt of My Deceased Husband?
My husband took out a business line of credit for his company. He died in February and I was told by the bank that since my name is not on the loan document and the loan was an unsecured loan, that I am not responsible for payment . still receiving bills for payment. I have already sent them a death certificate to prove my husband's death at their request. I am still respon...
04/28/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Florida | #21942Can a Domestic Violence Charge Be Expunged in Georgia?
I was charged with simple battery (family violence) back in the year 2000 Cab this be expunged?
04/28/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Georgia | #21941Can a Man Who Lives With a Woman Get Money For Improvements Made to Property She Owns?
My ex 'fiance' is suing me for $85,000 after a breakup where we co-habited for 7 years in MD. The night before we were to buy the house together he backed out and I bought it myself. He paid me $500 a month toward living expenses since I paid for gas, electric, cable, telephone, food, property taxes, etc. Can he possible win? He is suing for 'improvements to the house'....The...
04/28/2010 | Category: Cohabitation | State: Maryland | #21936