Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Get a Store to Refund My Money for a Returned Item?
I purchased an item from a shoe store. They didn't fit so I exchanged them for a different style. These also do not fit so I would like to return them. The company refuses to allow me to return them even though they are unworn because it is an exchanged item. The return policy does not indicate that exchanged cannot be returned. Since the shoes were over $100, I want to re...
05/05/2010 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Wisconsin | #22020How Do I Form a Private Road Association in California?
How do we form a private road association for a 15 home rural community?
05/05/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: California | #22019What Are the Legal Consequences of Having Paranoid Delusions?
I have this problem. There are two individuals who psychologically and repeatedly use a trick to drive me crazy. Both of the individuals do not know each other but some how do this to me. One of the individuals was a friend of my dads and they worked together. While he was at my house he got angry at me and said he was going to put it in my ear. I now suffer from this. This is ...
05/05/2010 | Category: Mental Health | State: Nebraska | #22018Is a Parent Required to Support a Child Past the Age of 18 in Texas?
Our 18 year old daughter (living in Arkansas) has one entire year of high school left. She is going to move in with her boyfriend and her mom assured her her father is still 100% responsible for child support. ($950 per month) We see nothing in Texas law that addresses this issue and the divorce decree is silent on the matter. What is your opinion? It does not seem as though ...
05/05/2010 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Kentucky | #22017Does a Parent Need to Support a 19 Year Old Still in High School in Washington?
My son I just found out is almost a year behind in school the school l sent him to a college to finish his high school and are paying for it my question is that he is already 18 years old and if my understanding is that I still have to pay until he reaches the age of 19 or finish high school what ever comes first is that correct?
05/05/2010 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Washington | #22014How Do I Terminate a Month-to-Month Tenancy in Texas?
I have a tenant who did not pay a months rent in August 2009, so I made an agreement with her to pay it out each month, she paid for a couple of months but still owes around 500.00 plus some late fees. She is current on her monthly rent now. In her lease she agreed to keep the property in showing condition with notice to her that we would show the property.The lease is now on...
05/05/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Texas | #22013How Does a Boyfriend Evict the Mother of His Children in North Carolina?
My brother currently has his child and the child's mother living in his home. He has asked on serveral occasion for her to move out but she will not. She is not on the mortgage and does not have any obligation to the home or the bills. She has damage his personal property on several occasions. He currently is not in the home because he wants peace. How does he legally remove h...
05/05/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: North Carolina | #22011Can I Get My Money Back if the Seller Lied to Me About Damage to the Car?
I purchased a car from a police officer he says he told me the engine needed to be replace I am on Social Security there is no way I can afford to replace and engine for $4500 I believe that being a police officer he should be held at a higher standard to truth. how can I get my money back I have witness that know the car and know that he knew the car was damaged. Is there anyw...
05/04/2010 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Arizona | #22002What Forms Do I Need to Probate My Mother's Estate in Texas?
The form number to turn in to the county Probate court
05/04/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Texas | #21998How Much Notice Do I Need to Give in Tennessee to Terminate a 90 Day Lease?
I have a three month lease that expires June 6th, I gave a thirty day notice on May 1st. The office called and left a message stating that I had to give a 60 day notice and I would be breaking my contract. My question is my 'contract' will actually end on June 6th and do you really need to give a 60 day notice on a 90 day lease in Tn? That seems a little extreme.
05/03/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Tennessee | #21996