Legal Questions and Answers
Can I Create a Trust to Protect Property from Medical Debts in Texas?
need help protecting minimum family assets against potential debt collection (medical bills) --would a family trust help? asking on behalf of a relative living in Texas - I need legal information specific to Texas
04/28/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: Georgia | #21933What is the Statute of Limitations for Rape in California?
I was raped during a massage by a 'friend' I was given Vicodin for I was injured in an accident. I didn't report it to my attorney until after a year.. what is the statue? I got injured physically but still psychologically and still now 2 and half years later haven't kissed a man or even lay together. I need trauma therapy and want to get some financial help from the abuser?...
04/28/2010 | Category: Criminal | State: California | #21931How Do I File a Medical Malpractice Claim in Virginia?
I am seeking assistance on behalf of a friend who has decided to file a malpractice case against her surgeon due to paralysis on her face and life long treatments. Her statue of limitations will expire tomorrow on 4/28/2010 and she was encouraged to file the complaint herself in court by her specialist. The problem is we don't know what form to use. I have looked at several s...
04/27/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Medical Malp... | State: Virginia | #21930Can a Landlord Deny Access to a Terrace to Make Repairs?
The landlord is setting up equipment to repair the exterior. We rented the space for the terrace. The last time they came up they were here six months. There must be a law for the protection of space for the tenant. What about damage to pulsate use the terrace? We have two dogs, I am on oxygen, 100 percent disabled and I use the terrace for exercise. The last time we were deman...
04/27/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: New York | #21929How Do I Sue a Hotel for Damage to My Car in the Parking Garage?
The Borgata Casino Hotel (NJ) Originally Seemed Willing To Cover My Losses and Damages Done To My Car As It Was Broken Into In There Self Parking Lot. (Occurred 03/19/10) I Recently Was Told From The Borgata There Not Going To Cover My Losses or Damages, They Recommended Me to Sue The People That Caused It (They Caught Them).Everything was documented and the Officer on Duty at ...
04/27/2010 | Category: Bailment | State: New Jersey | #21928Can We Send Advertisements to Customer Cell Phones?
We're a marketing/advertising firm. We're currently working with a national pizza chain. We send picture texts to their customers of the latest pizza specials. If the customer does not want to receive updates of pizza specials via text, they can opt-out. Question: are we violating any communication/privacy laws with this method of marketing?
04/27/2010 | Category: Advertisement | State: Oregon | #21927How Do I Remove a Judgment Lien in California?
A judgment lien is recorded on my property that's in a TRUST but I (or the trust) has nothing to do with the corporation that the attorney obtained a judgment from. My address was used by the incorporation as initial agent of the President of that now-suspended corporation. How can I have this judgment removed from my address?
04/27/2010 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: California | #21926What Can Happen if I Don't Settle a Claim Out of Court?
I am a business owner who has had several customers leave us with a $40,000 deficit. I haven't been able to keep up with my bills. Now I have a civil summons that I am going to respond to because of debt owed. I am an LLC and I have a business partner. The summons has my name on it. I am asking to work out a payment plan until we can get straightened out. My question is: ...
04/27/2010 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: North Carolina | #21925When Can a Person's Belongings be Searched?
How could you make it legal to search w/o a warrant and removepersonal property from someone ? Under what circumstances could this be legal ? ex. Minor, Incompetence? How Could I check court records? I need to know what is happening????
04/27/2010 | Category: Criminal » Search and S... | State: Mississippi | #21922How Do I Collect Trust Assets of My Deceased Mother?
Mother died March 17,2010.Has a trust of $3351.73 no other properties or moneys. check is payable to 'the estate of x c/o Helder Silva. Bank retires Tax id for the estate and certified copy of the court issued letters of administration issued 90 days.I have obtained tax id from my CPA. How I go about doing thousand can I do it myself.
04/27/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Small Estates | State: California | #21921