Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Sue a Relative for Slander in California?
My husband, an American citizen, died on December 16, 2008 here in Switzerland. While he and his brother, a resident of California, had no contact anymore - due to a family dispute over the last will of their mother - my late husband's brother just recently found out about his brothers death. In January of this year I have been contacted by e-mail by him and his son. I ignored ...
04/24/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Nevada | #21897Can I Use Both My Remarried name and Former Husband's Name?
I am getting married soon and want to keep my deceased husband's name along with taking my new name. I don't want to hyphenate or be referred to by both. I want it to keep the connection between me and our children. I want to be able to sign both but not be called both.
04/23/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: Nebraska | #21896How Do I Dispute Charges on My Credit Card?
Credit card company charged me for merchandise I did not order. I asked them numerous times to credit my account. Instead of a credit, they keep adding finance charges and late charges. In addition I am getting threatening letters from collection agencies. I am quite frustrated with the treatment I am getting without a solution to my problem. How can I clear up my credit histor...
04/23/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: New York | #21895We are buying property with a shared well having an agreement filed in 1995 granting both parties equal rights to water and a...
We are buying property with a shared well having an agreement filed in 1995 granting both parties equal rights to water and a share for each in upkeep. The holders of the property where well is located are refusing service to the new owners of the second property. Agreement is filed in LA County and notarized, and signed by all parties. Extends to new owners as well, bu...
04/23/2010 | Category: Real Property | State: California | #21890What form do I need to ensure I get paid from selling partnership in specific time frame?
I am selling my partner ship to my other partner; at the closing he want me to HOLD some money for 3 years. Note will have lien on the business (or collateral for that business). Which form do I need to make a STRICT legal note to get paid my money in three years? PLEASE ADVISE.
04/23/2010 | Category: Partnerships | State: Connecticut | #21887What remedies do I have when I made a car part and the customer took possession but did not pay me?
Made a part for a car in my machine shop, delivered it, and have not been paid yet, the deal was handshake, i expected payment by now, based on what i was told, what recourse do I have now? what if i had an opportunity to walk into customer's shop and con someone into letting me have it back briefly? could i keep it?
04/22/2010 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Illinois | #21882How Do I Sever a Joint Tenancy in Washington?
My significant other (a single woman) and I (a single man) purchased a house as 'Joint Tenants with right of Survivorship'. We have lived in the house together continuously for over 6 years Do I have the right to sever the joint tenancy and what are some of the legalities involved in this?
04/22/2010 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: Washington | #21880How Do I Create a Promissory Note for a Seller Financed Real Estate Sale?
I am trying to purchase a residential home to be owner financed. The owner is both a Trustee and the co-owner is a individual. Price is $200,000 with $40,000 down and a note for $160,000 at 6% for 10 years secured by ???
04/22/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Texas | #21877Is a Will Required to Be Notarized in California?
My father passed away and didn't have his will noterizedhe had a savings account joint with my sister because she lived closer. She is aware of the will that named me as executor and that the savings be divided equally between 3 daughters. I worked on the will with my father and know this was his intent. she has decided to give us what she wants,which was not even half of what ...
04/22/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Notarized | State: California | #21876How Do I Amend a Complaint in California Superior Court for a Limited Civil Case?
I need to file a limited amended complaint to a breach of contract as plaintiff in superior court, how do I do this?
04/21/2010 | Category: Civil Actions | State: California | #21871