Legal Questions and Answers
What Is the Lasw on Nepotism in Employment in Colorado?
Are there any legal ramifications to practicing nepotism in the workplace in Colorado? If so what are they....? Looking for legal Federal and State information regarding practicing 'nepotism' in the workplace. Is it legally allowed? What are the ramifications? It's for a school project.
04/21/2010 | Category: Employment | State: Colorado | #21870What Deed Form is Used to Transfer Property to Trust Beneficiaries in North Carolina?
I am the administrator of my mother's trust for N.C. At her death she instructed that I give my siblings a lot each. I don't have to go through probate. What N.C. form would I need to transfer property to them? I am going to N.C. on Sat.
04/21/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Ohio | #21868How Should I Pay an Attorney if the Charges Are Dropped?
i have an asault charge against me in piscataway municipal court to whitch I plead not guilty. however the complainant(my wife)decided she going to drop the charge.I had seek to hire an attorney for the trial. do I need to contain with the attorney if the charge are going to be drop.
04/21/2010 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: New Jersey | #21867How Can a Child in Texas Have a Birth Certificate Changed After Adoption by a Stepparent?
My matter is: my husband passed away 3 years ago. We had one 1 child. The child was 2 when this happened. He is now 5 and I just got remarried. My new husband (his stepfather) wants to adopt him. There is no one to contest this or get permission from since I am his mother and his biological father is deceased. I was also told I need to get the birth certificate amended with...
04/21/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: Texas | #21866Can the Police Evict a Tenant Immediately in Alabama?
Rent is over due, if not paid by 15th the rental agreement void. Also has 2 pit bulls outside and one on the inside. If my insurance finds out they will immediately cancel my policy. Can I get the police to help in this matter for immediate eviction?
04/20/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Alabama | #21863Can More Than one Person Be Appointed in a Health Care Power of Attorney in Indiana?
Is the person giving the Indiana Health Care Directive Power document allowed to give a directive document to more than one person or is the person restricted by law to just one person?
04/20/2010 | Category: Power of Att... » Advanced Hea... | State: Texas | #21862Does Indiana Require a Social Security Number on a Living Will?
For an Indiana health care directive power document, is there a requirement that one includes the social security number of the appointing person on the health care directive document?
04/20/2010 | Category: Power of Att... » Advanced Hea... | State: Texas | #21861What Should I Do if My Elderly Mother Can't Pay Her Debts?
My father passed away in January 2010. My mother is still living. My brothers and I have discovered that my mother and father have defaulted on credit card and medical debt obligations. My mother's only income is social security. My brothers and I pay for her current living expenses not covered by social security. Bottom line: My mother has no money to pay her old obligati...
04/20/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Utah | #21860How Do I Guarantee Repayment if I Cosign for a Loan?
Should I co-sign a loan with my husband, for a 80k loan with my father-in-law? My husband and father-in-law want to use 'Island Property' which is owned solely by me (not with my husband) and is also reflected in the Legal Title of Ownership (in my name only)?#1 - The lender, is my father-in-law's Trust, and it is a family 'understanding' that the gift of $80,000 would be deduc...
04/20/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Cosigning | State: Washington | #21859How Can I Prevent Someone from Using a Road to Enter My Adjoining land?
Our family has owned property which includes a creek creating an informal boundary between two government lots. The land has not been surveyed, and the creek meanders. At one point, we built a bridge across the creek to connect the two government lot properties. When my mother died, she willed one of the lots to my younger brother, who wants to sell the land. Access to his ...
04/20/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Washington | #21854