Legal Questions and Answers
Does a Court Judgment Take Priority Over a Line of Credit?
Does a judgement filed by the Circuit Court of Maryland take priority over a line of credit given to the owner of property by a bank? Situation: Home has no mortgage is assessed a $130,000 by county. Has a line of credit for $100,000 which has been used to limit. Therefore only $30,000 equity remains. I need to use property as collateral for a bond of $75,000. If the Circuit Co...
01/09/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Maryland | #20360Can A Group Be Prevented From Loitering in an Airport Lobby?
The pilots at our town's airport have been socializing at our's FBO's lobby for a number of years. New management now says we are loitering and can no longer do this. We own planes there, buy gas, and pay hangar rent to the city. Are we loitering? Can they leagally keep us from using the lobby to socialize? What can we do?
01/09/2010 | Category: Real Property » Trespassing | State: Indiana | #20359How Do I Get an Prescriptive Easement in California?
My Property Fence line Erected Near 1963 On Surveyed 70 Acres. Listed To Sell, Neighbor Buying Adjacent Land 1986, Is Concerned Fence Is On Her Land. I Ask You My User As Of Right To Gain Prescribed Easement, asap.
01/09/2010 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: California | #20358How Do I Add My Son to A Survivorship Deed?
I want to add my son to my real estate deed, quit claim deed with right to survivorship.
01/08/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Michigan | #20356What constitutes a majority vote for a multi-member LLC?
LLC has 11 members. Can the legal vote be decided by majority of those who voted or must it be a majority of members ?
01/08/2010 | Category: LLC | State: Massachusetts | #20349When must a security deposit be returned to tenant following a fire in the unit?
This is about rental property and security deposite refunds.On Dec 12,2009, there was a large fire. The Fire Marshal said he could not determine the may have been electrical. My insurance co Allstate has a 'Cause' task team investigateing. My 30 days will be up in days to send her refund back or can I wait past the leagal 30 day due to the ongoing investigation and d...
01/08/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Ohio | #20348Do we need to form a business entity to purchase property for son in another state?
My wife and I plan to buy a house in LAS VEGAS, NV as a rental with my son. My son kicks in 50% and we kick in the other 50%. Do we need to incorporate in GA, NV or both or incorporate at all?
01/08/2010 | Category: Real Property | State: Georgia | #20346Do factoring laws exist in the United States in terms of manufactured good sales?
What are the statutes(Federal and State) for factoring? Meaning when you have a manufactured good or a good in the process of being manufactured, and the factor invests in the good or inventory and the factor gets paid when the goods are sold. Do factoring laws still exist today.
01/07/2010 | Category: Misc | State: Missouri | #20340May I use a codicil to amend my will in Colorado?
Do you have a form referred to as a Codicil the purpose of which is to modify a will?
01/07/2010 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Colorado | #20339Is a Child of 17 Emancipated by Marriage in Tennessee?
Is a 17 year old boy, 18 in April, That is married to the 20 year old mother of his child emancipated in the state of Tn
01/07/2010 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Tennessee | #20338