Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Find a Lawyer Who Specializes in Miltary Law in North Carolina?
A expert in Military Division of Pension located in the Raleigh, N.C. area
10/04/2009 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: California | #18919Is There Per Stirpes Distribution in New Hampshire When Will Maker Dies Before the Heir?
In New Hampshire, If the Last Will and Testament stipulates that the estate will be split equally amongst the Children (and does not specify living or dead), and one Child is no longer living, does the estate get split only to living children or does the portion of the estate for the person who is no longer living go to his/her children?
10/03/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Virginia | #18918What Are My Tax Liabilities for Property Given by a Gift Deed?
My father gave his home to my brother & I via a 'Deed of Gift' 4 yrs. ago. The Fair Market Value at that time might have been $60,000. We have sold the house for $54,000 and will net about $24,000 each after closing costs & realtor fees. What are the Federal income tax points that we need to be aware of? Do we each have a $24,000 capital gain or a $3,000 capital loss?
10/03/2009 | Category: Taxes | State: Alabama | #18916Can I force someone who may be my father into taking a paternity test?
I need to subpeana my father for his DNA how will I do this ?
10/02/2009 | Category: Paternity » DNA Test | State: California | #18914Can I Get a Hardship Exemption to an Eviction in California?
I live in a mobile home park is San Diego. My wife was diagnosed with cancer in April,as a result she decided to leave our home that we own together to live at her parents house.Leaving me with the space rent and mortgage to pay. I am currently 4 or 5 months behind both payments.I am disabled and can only work 20 hours per week. The mortgage co. has not put our loan on default ...
10/02/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #18913Do Holidays Count When Meeting an Appeal Deadline in Florida?
I understand that there is a 10 day rule with respect to the time allowed to file a motion for retrial after being found guilty, however, if a legal holiday occurs with in that 10 day period does it count against the 10 day rule?
10/02/2009 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Florida | #18912Can I Collect Unemployment if I Quit My Job?
I was Laid off by a Large Bank after 18 years of full employment. I file for UI and received it for a few months when I found a New Job with a Start up Mortgage Lender. After 7 months they were closed down by the Parent company. I applied for UI in WA State and collected it for 3 months when I was asked by my past Sales manage at the Last 2 companies to Start with a Californ...
10/02/2009 | Category: Employment | State: Washington | #18910Can a judge refuse to grant name change due to prior criminal charge?
I am 34 years of age and my sister is 33 years of age. Our step Dad adopted us today ( 10-02-2009 ). the assistant DA signed off on the adoption of both my sister and myself along with the name change for my sister, however, he would not sign off on my name change and filed his papers to the judge on why he would not sign off on m name change. He said it had to do with somethin...
10/02/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: Louisiana | #18908May I access the school disciplinary record of another student who assaulted my child?
My son, who is a high functioning Autistic 10th grade boy, was in an incident at school where another student asked him to 'High-Five' him. After the 'high five' the other boy said, 'Didn't you feel anything?' My son then noticed that he had blood running out of his hand; the other boy had concealed a tack between his fingers, puncturing my son. The incident was taken over b...
10/02/2009 | Category: Schools | State: Pennsylvania | #18906How do I form a LLC in Nevada and may the LLC own property?
To put a property in an LLC do a trust and will have to be prepared first? Also if there is a second property, how does that work? A separate LLC and will & trust? How quickly can the LLC establishment process be completed for a Nevada LLC? Also what is the cost?
10/02/2009 | Category: LLC | State: California | #18904