Legal Questions and Answers
How do I bring a lawsuit for internet defamation and libel?
I wish to file an Internet Libel Suit. Do you have a form for this? How about for False Light Defamation? Instructions?Thank You
10/02/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Illinois | #18897How do I rescind a disclaimer of a oil and gas lease?
My husband recently passed away. Every thing we owned was jointly with the exception of an oil & gas lease held in my husbands name only. This was our second marriage & my husband had children from his last marriage. I felt big hearted & signed a disclaimer to the oil & gas lease. Days later I knew I had made a hugh error. I went to the attorney & she wrote to the children t...
10/01/2009 | Category: Oil Gas and Minerals | State: Arizona | #18896If my car is repossessed, can I be held responsible for the balance owed?
If I let a truck go back, will I be responsible for the difference between what I owe the finance company, and what they get for the truck? It seems that I should be judgement proof as I own no property or anything of any value.
10/01/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Texas | #18893How may I find out if my father's will was probated and if it wasn't, what is the deadline?
My father died a couple of years ago. I don't know if a will ever existed or not. I never got a straight answer. I was told that he had plenty of money in the bank, and that there would be some left over after expenses. I never heard anything else. Is there any way I can find out how the funds were disbursed? Also, what is the statute of limitations on an estate settlement in N...
10/01/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: North Carolina | #18891Does a local ordinance become effective upon publication or prior?
In Arizona ARS 11-251.05 (C) requires after adoption or amendment to the ordiances the item shall be published. Now does the part that requires ordinace to be publish have to be completed prior to be a legal ordinance that can be enforced?
10/01/2009 | Category: Misc | State: Arizona | #18890Must a minor submit to a breathalyzer test in Ohio?
What are the rights of a minor when it comes to breathe analyzers?
10/01/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Ohio | #18889Can a Corporation File a Federal Lawsuit Pro Se?
I wish to file suit in federal court pro se. The suit involves obtaining permits under a corporation name that I am 100% stock holder. A local law was passed and found to be constitutional which states that the permit in a corporation and the stock holder of the corporation are to be treated as one, I have been denied a permit in my name several times because I am the stockhol...
10/01/2009 | Category: Courts » Pro Se | State: New York | #18888How can I claim a permanent right of way over another's property?
# of years that establish a right of way (driveway) as permanent in w.v. state
10/01/2009 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: West Virginia | #18886How may I terminate my lease early due to becoming disabled?
My brother, husband and myself signed a one year lease on an apartment. We are 10 months into the lease. My brother was hospitalized and through complications became paralyzed from the waist down. We take care of him, but the apartment is not handicapped accessible enough for his care. How can we get out of this lease and move to a more accessible home without being financi...
09/30/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #18879What remedies are available for damage to my reputation from a false accusation?
Can one sue another for a false accusation that could result in a negative impact on ones occupation and how such negative comments heard by a client may negatively effect client's perception of the provider. Also whom is in charge of assuring code of conduct is followed by employees of state and federal agencies.
09/30/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Maryland | #18878