Legal Questions and Answers
Can an Acknowledgement of Paternity be Rescinded in Virginia?
My son is not convinced the he is the father of a newborn child.He signed papers at the hospital in Va. because he did not want to upset the mom. Did he make a terrible legal mistake? What are his legal, not moral responsibilities in this case? He is going to have a paternity test done, but after signing these documents is he too late?In other words if he is not the father is h...
09/28/2009 | Category: Paternity » Acknowledgment | State: Virginia | #18847Can I Leave Property in a Will to Someone Other than My Children?
If I use the will for Widows with Adult Children, can I also leave money to my sisters?
09/28/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Maryland | #18846Who Do the Improvements and Trade Fixtures belong to once my lease is up?
I am moving out of leased property. I am a custom machine maufacturer and use cranes in my business and believe them to be trade fixtures. The cranes were purchased and booked as equipment, used as collateral for a loan as personal property. The landlord says the cranes are building and cannot be removed. I can move cranes as easy as presses and brakes (huge equipment). Wh...
09/28/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Kentucky | #18841Can I Use a Release for Medical Malpractice?
I am a Florida Physician and I do not have Malpractice Insurance. Can I have a legal form drafted for patients to sign, prior to care, letting them know I do not carry Malpractice Insurance, and therefore will not file a law suit from the care they received from me? Will that paper hold up in a Court of Law? I only volunteer, and do not take money from patients. Or, do you sug...
09/28/2009 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: Florida | #18840Is it illegal for me to give educated opinions on insurance when I am a retired insurance agent?
Can an individual (i.e., a retired insurance professional with 20 years experience), who no longer sells insurance, start an online educational website that offers consumers his educated opinions, suggestions and buying tips on a particular type of insurance and - and, more importantly - specific policy and carrier information (including a side-by-side comparison of the 10 best...
09/28/2009 | Category: Advertisement | State: Arizona | #18838I want a form that my uninsured painters can sign so if they are injured
I want a form that my uninsured painters can sign so if they are injured or fall off the roof they or their estates don't sue me. Which one should I use please?
09/28/2009 | Category: Employment » Independent ... | State: South Carolina | #18836What do I need to sign over land deed and be free of mortgage?
Built a house on my property,with out a lien on deed, we have defaulted on the loan, they want us to sign over the land deed over to them and we will be free of the mortgage? What do I need from them to be clear of this, with out giving my land and they pull a fast one and still owe the mortgage. They say we don't want a lawyer involved my wife and I are retired Srs, we are afr...
09/28/2009 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Florida | #18835I changed my last name in Maryland and lost certified copy of the court order. Now I need it in Illinois. What to do?
I changed my last name in Maryland and lost certified copy of the court order. Now I need it in Illinois. What to do?
09/28/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: Illinois | #18834How Do I Let My Wife Make Payments and Insure a Car I Own?
Separated...can I do promissory note/power of attorney so wife can get insurance on her vehicle that is in my name? She makes payments on it.
09/28/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: Kentucky | #18828How can a subcontractor get paid for work performed at the request of another contractor?
I am a sub-contractor working in GEORGIA. I did work for a inc. who had a contract to do work for a company representing hud. I completed the work. I have paper work and photos to prove it was done. I invoiced them for work completed 90 days ago. They will not pay and now will not return my calls. What can I do to be paid for work completed for this inc? They said at one time ...
09/27/2009 | Category: Contractors » SubContractors | State: Georgia | #18813