Legal Questions and Answers
How do I change my name on my birth certificate to match the name on my social security card?
I was born in Brooklyn, New York. My name on my birth certificate indicates my name as -----. My name should be ------. This is the name I used through my schooling years. I am unable to get a state id or proper social security. I was issued a ss card with --------. Therefore, my name on my birth certificate and my social are different. What type of name change do I need t...
09/25/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: New York | #18799What constitutes an account in a foreign country for purposes of the Treasury Dept. F90-22.1 form?
TD F 90-22.1 (rev. 10-2008) states under General Definitions: Account in a Foreign Country: 'Do not report any account maintained with a branch, agency, or other office of a foreign bank (or)_ other institution that is located in the United States'.What constitutes 'branch, agency, or other office of a foreign bank (or) other institution that is located in the United States'?Fo...
09/25/2009 | Category: Banking laws | State: Hawaii | #18798How can adjoining land owners sign their rights over to me?
I need a form so ex land owners on each side of road joining my land can sign over their rights if any to me
09/25/2009 | Category: Real Property | State: Louisiana | #18797What does this paragraph from _37-6-5 mean?
what does this paragraph from _37-6-5 mean?This section shall not apply where, by special agreement, some other period of notice is fixed, or no notice is to be given; nor shall notice be necessary from or to a tenant whose term is to end at a certain time. Also what is a 'special agreement' in this clause?
09/25/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: West Virginia | #18796What form do we need to add an adult child's name to home deed?
My father passed away. Both parents names are on the deed to their home. We want to remove my fathers name and add an adult child's name so that the property will go directly to them upon my mothers death. What form do we use to accomplish this?
09/25/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Michigan | #18785What can I do about having all of my property thrown out of my rental?
We moved to Tuscola in Sept. 2007. We rented a house, signed a lease from Sept., '07 to Aug., '08. My husband was deployed to Afghanistan in Oct., '08. We were never asked to sign a lease for the yrs. '08-'09. We never had a verbal lease either. The new yr. was never brought up, actually. While my husband was deployed, I found a much nicer home. The house had an attached gar...
09/24/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Illinois | #18784If there is a will of a deceased spoue but all the property is jointly owned ...
If there is a will of a deceased spoue but all the property is jointly owned by both spouses does the property authomatically belong to the living spouse as long as there are no other heirs?
09/24/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Michigan | #18781May an 18 year old be emancipated in New York state?
How does an 18 year old request emancipation in New York State?
09/24/2009 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: New York | #18777Can I be evicted from my rented space in a church with no cause given?
I have been living in a church for 3 yrs for a place to stay plus $150 a week.The church board has given to me in writing a 3 day notice to leave. Don't they have to go thru the courts and be served an eviction notice?
09/24/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Oregon | #18776How is a right of reverter established when donating land for a specific use?
My son has adjoining property to mine and he is donating 5 acres to Feed My Lambs Ministries, Inc. to build a child care facility. If the facility ever 'closes its doors', he would like the deed/contract to state that the property reverts back to him. I am the President of Feed My Lambs and I will be taking out a loan/mortgage for the purchase of the building to be built on the...
09/24/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Georgia | #18774