Legal Questions and Answers
What From is Used to Protect a Moving Company from Liability for Damage to Property?
I have a friend who has a small moving business. Residential moving and some commercial moving. I am looking for a letter of protecting for him. For example, if in the process of moving items it is damaged or the property that in which the items are being removed from. I am in need of a waiver form. Please advise.
10/06/2009 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: Maryland | #18964Can I Stop Eviction if My Landlord Files Bankruptcy?
Can I file a stay of execution for my eviction if my landlord has declared bankruptcy?
10/06/2009 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: California | #18962What Motion is Filed After Missing a Bankruptcy Deadline to Turn Over Assets?
I received my discharge in chapter 7 and now the Trustee is requesting the transfer of non-exempt assets that don't exist anymore. How do I file a motion to make this go away. All deadlines have been missed. Asking the question to help my daugther in Arizona. Do not give me a response applicable to CA.
10/06/2009 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: California | #18961Does New York Have a Time Limit for Transfer to Prison After Sentencing?
Is there any recourse if the state does not get you to your destination after sentencing with in 10 days. Can a writ be filed and when can it be filed?
10/06/2009 | Category: Criminal | State: New York | #18960Should a Divorce be Refiled on Fault Grounds if the Wife is Now Pregnant by Another Man?
My son and his wife were in the process of filing a no-fault/uncontested divorce petition when his wife confessed that she is pregnant with another man's child. Can they continue with a no-fault divorce or should my son now file for divorce on the grounds of adultery in order to protect his rights should the child turn out, in fact, to be his?
10/06/2009 | Category: Divorce | State: Tennessee | #18957How Does Divorce Work in Arkansas?
I am from Colombia South America and I speak mostly Spanish. My husband filed an affidavit support for me and my 2 daughters to come to USA and get married. Now we have 2 more girls together and we are married for about 4 years. He has his own business and home but he has this after we got married and it was in his last divorced. I don't work and I have only a credit card becau...
10/06/2009 | Category: Divorce | State: Arkansas | #18956What is the Statute of Limitations for Contracts in Illinois?
When I moved 3 1/2 years ago, a cleaning company cleaned my new condo and my old house. I paid for the condo service. Now after making no attempt to collect payment from me for all that time, my real estate agent says the company wants me to pay for the house also, when I expected the buyer to pay it. Can he legally collect after all that time?
10/05/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Limitations | State: Illinois | #18947What Happens if I Inherit Property With a Mortgage?
My Mother has a home and she is still making payments on. She would like the home to go to me if something should happen to her. If she still owes money on the house, how do we transfer the house to me without me having to refinance the it?
10/05/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Texas | #18941How Can We Transfer Property to a Child and Keep Control of the Property?
My wife wants to sell a lot and house to our son but she wants to maintain control of improvements, sale, etc. She wants it in our son's name for reasons for tax purposes and payments of real estate taxes, etc. What do you recommend?
10/05/2009 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Texas | #18940How Do I Expunge a Court Martial?
In 1978 I was 19 in the USAF and was Court-Martialed for Assault with a deadly weapon. I served 4 months confinement in a military facility, returned to duty and received an Honorable Discharge after completing my four year tour. I have been clean except for an 'open container' charge about 20 years ago and some speeding tickets. This has not hurt my ability to get a job until...
10/04/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Michigan | #18922