Legal Questions and Answers
What is My Liability for Payment if a Check is Cashed Despite a Stop Order?
I put a stop payment on a check given to a contractor to complete masonry work at my home. The 'check cashing' entity wants me to pay since they cashed the check. However, my bank honored the stop payment which was made 3 business days after I had written the check. What is my liability?
10/12/2009 | Category: Banking laws | State: California | #19069How Do I Get an Indictment Thrown Out Because Police Lied?
In Arkansas, if the Prosecuting Attorney refuses to have a case withdrawn or dismissed, even after proof the Police Department Officers lied, which led to a individuals arrest, imprisonment, and a criminal record what can a Defense Attorney do to avoid a trial that isn't necessary?
10/12/2009 | Category: Criminal | State: Arkansas | #19068What Agreement is Needed to Have Another Market and Sell My Invention?
I've designed a device.a small manufacturing facility wants to manufacture and market my produce.Then pay me royalties.What form would be used to give them licence to make my produce and protect me?
10/12/2009 | Category: Intellectual Prope... | State: Georgia | #19065How Do I Set Aside A Judgment for Lack of Notice?
I recently discovered from a credit report that I have a judgment against me for $4211 in Travis County Court. I was never served and am not even sure what the judgment is for. How do I file to get the judgment set aside for lack of notice?
10/12/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Default Judg... | State: Texas | #19054What are the Requirements for Expungement in Wisconsin?
I have been trying to expunge a 1999 Felony conviction in Wisconsin, but was told that it wasn't possible. After reading this site and others, it appears that Wisconsin Statute 973.015 allows for expungement when a person has successfully completed the sentence if the person has not been convicted of a subsequent offense and, if on probation, the probation has not been revoke...
10/12/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Wisconsin | #19053Can A Parent Emancipate a Minor In Missouri?
I am a MO parent of a 16 year-old (turns 17 in less than a month) whose behavior is out of control. Can I apply for emancipation of the minor when she turns 17? MO statutes focus on protections for the child. My focus is on protections available to the parent.
10/12/2009 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Missouri | #19050Where Do I File A Wrongful Discharge Claim?
Where in McHenry county Illinois do I file a lawsuit for Wrongful Discharge? Also needs to know if we have any forms that will work for his situation.
10/12/2009 | Category: Courts | State: Illinois | #19049What Happens if the Indictment Contains the Wrong Information?
1st arrest on charges from his daughter. He was indicted by the GJ. 2nd arrest on another party (not his daughter). GJ indicted him, however, on 2nd indictment, the complainant is his daughter and the descriptive paragraph at the bottom of the indictment is from the party from the 2nd arrest (who was not his daughter). The GJ indicted him with this wrong information ON the ...
10/11/2009 | Category: Criminal | State: Texas | #19035Can I Be Charged with Libel for Accusing Someone of Theft in a Letter to Their Employer?
I mailed a letter to my ex-boyfriends employer in March of this year. The letter informed his boss of stealing money from the company. Everything in the letter was true. Four months later my ex was laid off from his job. He has found out I did mail this letter to his employer. He told me yesterday he is filing a slander/libel suit against me. PLEASE HELP ME. I am worth over a m...
10/11/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Florida | #19034How Do I Transfer the Interest of Ten Siblings in Inherited Property to One Sibling?
We (ten of us) inherited a house from our parents (Deceased) in their will. We want to sell it to one of us. Do we need an attorney? If so, what for?
10/11/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Virginia | #19033