Legal Questions and Answers
How do I acquire my deceased's wife share of our online stock trade account?
I have a joint acct with Etrade. I notified them my wife passed away. They have 'frozen' my account and are asking me to do the following:'- signed LOI referencing the account/SSN of the deceased and stating transfer of 50% of share to Estate and 50% of share to the surviving account holder - Small Estates Affidavit and answer to Inv Objective OR Letters of Testamentary and a...
10/16/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Florida | #19125When must the state remove information of a sex offender after the duty to register expires?
In Texas how long can they keep you on the 'Texas DPS' sex offenders website, after your duty to register as a sex offender has expired?
10/16/2009 | Category: Criminal | State: Texas | #19123What is the statute of limitations for a claim related to travel advertising in California?
What is the Statute of Limitations for Business and Professions Code Sections 17550 - 17550.30
10/16/2009 | Category: Consumer | State: California | #19122What is the sentence for a juvenile who commits armed robbery in Texas?
What is the punishment for a 16 year old in Texas for armed robbery?
10/15/2009 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: Texas | #19121What happens if a second mortgagee is not properly named in a foreclosure action?
We are trying to purchase a home that is in foreclosure. The home has a second mortgage on it. The second mortgage company that was served the foreclosure notice (and is the recorded mortgage at the clerk's office) is not the mortgage company that holds the current second mortgage. Are they considered to have been served if the original second mortgage company was the compan...
10/15/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Oklahoma | #19120May we terminate our lease prior to us moving in fully?
We signed a one year lease on Sept 28, and gave landlord 2 checks, one for rent (1350.00) and one for deposit (1350.00) post dated for Oct 1. On Sept 29 my husband was told that he was going to be laid off and his last day would be Oct 8. My husband called the landlord that evening Sept 29 to tell him that we would be unable to fulfill the lease, and explained to him what had t...
10/15/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Colorado | #19118Must I pay for defective product made pursuant to a supplier contract?
We buy manufactured product from a supplier in Virginia for resale. The product is defective. We wish to dispute the bill. How do we keep interest from building up on the bill until the dispute is settled?
10/15/2009 | Category: Contracts | State: Virginia | #19117What is the expungement process in Georgia?
How do I begin Expungement in Georgia for my family member who has had no run in with the law in over 5 years. He was incarcerated 14 years ago. Please provide information on how to begin expungement in Georgia.
10/15/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Georgia | #19116What remedies exist for seller's failure to disclose mold in the home?
We closed on our house in TN on Aug 31 of this year. Last week we discovered mold in basements finished walls. They disclosed a leaky basment that had ben repaired with no previous mold. Subsequent investigation into the problem resulted in pictures of previous mold in the same walls that was not disclosed in the house disclousures prior to purchase. Can we recoup the cost of m...
10/15/2009 | Category: Real Property » Residential ... | State: Tennessee | #19115If my husband purchases a home in another state, am I responsible if I sign the homestead waiver?
My husband and I have been married for one year. We were married in Wisconsin. He has since been diganosed with mental illness and is bi-polar, making manic decisions. We are not legally separated or divorced, but are not residing together. I reside in Wisconsin and he is about to purchase a home in Rockford, Illinois. They need my signature so he can close on the home. I don't...
10/15/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homestead | State: Wisconsin | #19114