Legal Questions and Answers
Can a Holder in Due Course Enforce a Timeshare Contract Against Me if the Contract Was Fraudulent?
I signed a breached and fraudulent contract with a timeshare co (consolidated acted as an leasing agent with and other rental agencies. The contract states clearly that consolidated was not a rental/leasing agent, they violated NV State Law by funds being exchanged before the revocation period had ended, double deeded property those are just a few) they sold the note...
10/17/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: California | #19142Can I sue for FBI for Slandering Me and Blackballing Me With Employers and Landlords?
Not that I really even have to ask this question but this is my question. Is there any reason that you can think of why law enforcement, the FBI, or any other citizen for that matter, would be allowed to violate the 14th amendment, or any amendment, of my civil rights as guaranteed by the constitution by doing any of the following if I have never been charged with a crime?(1)FB...
10/17/2009 | Category: Civil Rights » Free Speech | State: Pennsylvania | #19139How Do I File for Divorce if We Have a Lot of Joint Debts?
Husband & I have been separated for 3 1/2 yrs. He in California, Santa Clara County. We own 2 homes & much in debt. 1 in CA, 1 in NC. $1 million debt+ in CA. House in CA on market for 3 years-can't sell at $1.3 m. Worth twice. Financially we are struggling. Where do I start, if want a divorce? He continues to put us in more debt daily. We have a business since 1987, barely ...
10/17/2009 | Category: Divorce | State: North Carolina | #19138How Do I File for Relief from Foreclosure in California?
I am in a foreclosure default. They filed their documents in Riverside. I want to file an action against them in Riverside. If I file the complaint what do I have to do, if anything, with Riverside Records where they filed their non-judicial papers? Do you have a form covering this? Also, when I ask for a stay of the moving party with the courts do you have any form covering th...
10/16/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: California | #19136Can My Child Be Emancipated and Live With Another Family in Washington?
I am the mother of a 17 yr. old willfull child who plans to immancipate himself and stay with friends- can he do this against my will and possibly the will of said family- who have just been trying to help out- please help- the parents said that he could only stay with my approval and that I could pick him up anytime- is that true- we do have family problems but I am not willin...
10/16/2009 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Washington | #19135Can I Be Charged for Rent Before I Gave Written Notice to End My Lease but After Verbal Notice?
If my landlord accepted (in writing) my verbal notice of intent to vacate, can she later charge me unpaid rent for the time period between my verbal notice and my written notice?
10/16/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #19134How Do I Evict a Tenant in Arizona and Collect Money Owed?
we have a tenant in our house on a 12 month lease,she has not abided by the terms of the lease,how will we evict her and recover the back payments and accumilated utility payments due us.
10/16/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Arizona | #19133What effect does filing bankruptcy have on a wage garnishment?
Will either chapter 7 or 13 suspend a wage garnishment by the IRS for what time length?
10/16/2009 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: North Carolina | #19131How may my son adopt the child of his fiance?
My son would like to adopt the little girl of his soon to be bride. We have no idea of how/where to start, what do we do?
10/16/2009 | Category: Adoption | State: Oklahoma | #19127What could be the impact of owning joint property with ex-husband?
Our daughter,and ex-son-in-law have 5 rental units in both their names, LLC, including a loan of $8,000, he is not trustworthy. My question-if she were to buy a home, and something would come up regarding the apartments and loan, would her home be in any jeopardy with the joint ownership of the rental units and loan? We want her to buy a home, put it our name, she wants it i...
10/16/2009 | Category: Real Property | State: Ohio | #19126