Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Remove a Restraining Order in California?
My husband's ex-wife managed to get some kind of 'lifetime' restraining order against him, for each of his children, based on her paranoia. Now that most of them are of adult age, how can he go about having the restraining order removed so they can communicate with him freely? (Some of the children already do, but the restraining order needs to be out of the way.)
10/19/2009 | Category: Restraining Order | State: California | #19190Can I Recover Against Property Management Company for Defaulting Tenant?
Property Management Co. broke contract with me in TN. I signed contract in 2007 with Prop Mgt Co whose contract stipulates strict guidelines that state they will only put in a credit worthy tenant of 600 credit or higher and no pets allowed. They must also have a parental guarantee.Then a year later another management company took over and they kept this tenant in. I have proof...
10/19/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Tennessee | #19188How Do I Get a Lien on ATVs?
how do i put a lien on ATVs
10/19/2009 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: Oklahoma | #19187What is the Difference Between a License and an Easement?
I purchased property with the understanding I would be granted an easement to get to the property. It turned out, after the easement was granted and recorded, that the pipeline company had a right of way and they said my easement could not be used as my driveway. The owner of the land that sold me my property is going to give me another easement for my driveway. That is after I...
10/19/2009 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Pennsylvania | #19185How Do I Get a Death Certificate Issued for a Missing Person in Florida?
How long before a family will get a death certificate for missing person in the state of Florida?
10/19/2009 | Category: Death | State: Florida | #19175Is A Spouse An Interested Party in the Will of a Spouse if Not Named as Executor?
Please find a legal case in Texas that was over thrown where the spouse was not an interested party to the husbands Will. The husband did not name the spouse as executor or alternate executor of his estate. Husband is deceased. This situation involves a lawsuit where the women has entered the lawsuit using the deceased man's last name. She has no legal documentation with his l...
10/18/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: District Of Columbia | #19147Can I Handle an Adoption on My Own Without an Attorney in Florida?
Can we obtain the legal forms necessary to conduct out own private adoption? This is our 8th adoption, and the birthmother has chosen to place her baby, due late December, with us. Can we facillitate this adoption ourselves, safely, in the state of Florida, or do we need to retain an adoption attorney? Do we need to have a home study done? WE had one done in MI 5 yrs ago fo...
10/18/2009 | Category: Adoption | State: Florida | #19146Can a LLC Form an Employee Stock Option Plan?
I am the majority owner of an LLC. What is the easiest way to issue something similar to stock options for our employees and contractors? I'd like to set up the options with the following objectives: No tax implications for the employee and contractor until they exercise the option. No voting rights. Performance based vesting/issuance. What other common clauses I should have in...
10/18/2009 | Category: LLC | State: Washington | #19145Can a Parent Leave Property to a Child in a Will that is Already Deeded to Another Child?
This is a case where a couple at some point had a lawyer change the name on the deed to their property to one of their children. Now they want to change it to leave it to two of their children. They were told by their lawyer that the child whose name is now on the deed will have to consent, and he refuses. Can they make out a new will and transfer the property as they now wish?
10/18/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Ohio | #19144How Do I Dissolve a Civil Union in New York?
What can I do not to retain a attorney if you receive a letter from a attorney stating that they are open to discussions with my attorney? This is a divorce attorney.
10/18/2009 | Category: Civil Actions | State: New York | #19143