Legal Questions and Answers
Do I Have to Pay Back draw Pay if I Resign from the Company?
I work for a radio broadcasting company in Detroit. They recruited me from another company for my 35 years of experience and relationships with the major advertising agencies in the market. They recently 'merged' two station's sales staffs together and moved the agency accounts to the other station and our station's staff was told to find new direct business which is not the ...
10/25/2009 | Category: Employment » Commissions | State: Michigan | #19281Is Back Rent Owed if There Are Code Violations by the Landlord?
My son has an issue with his landlord who is suing him for back rent. My son does not dispute that he owes under agreement back rent. However, he does dispute the landlords right to receive it for the following reasons:1. A verbal promise by the landlord that if my son would get out of apartment in three days which he did, that the landlord would not come after the money.2. ...
10/25/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #19280Can a Condo Association Collect Unpaid Dues and Fees After the Property is Foreclosed On?
I did not pay condo association fees as the property was being foreclosed. A lien was placed. The property was resold. I went and got a copy of the satisfaction of lien against me. Collection agency for association says that I still have to pay for fees before the foreclosure. Do I ?
10/25/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: California | #19279How Do I Change My Name if the Court Denies My Petition for Name Change?
i been married with my husband 6 month ago now his name has been change, i want to carry is new name, i filed a petition in the same court i been married for me to carry me husband name they denied it. they don't want to change it in the marriage certificate even thou they have the prove that the name granted to change, is like i should wait to married with the new name , the a...
10/24/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: Pennsylvania | #19277How Do I Change My Name in Florida?
When I was born, my name on my birth certificate read denae durbin. When I was about 5, my parents began using my name as -------- (my stepfathers last name) this was never done legally. I received a SSC card in the name ------ then I began working. When I got married, I signed my marriage certificate from ---- and it was changed to --- (my husbands last name.) I have recently ...
10/23/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: Florida | #19275Can an auto lender back out of loan for new car 10 months after the sale?
I purchased a car on Jan. 19, 2009 thinking everything was taken care of with my loan. I had all the paperwork, took out insurance, and bought a tag. I receive a call today saying the bank who was going to do my loan has refused (10) months have gone by and I need to redo the paperwork or they get the car. I paid $5000.00 down payment on the car which they would refund. What ar...
10/23/2009 | Category: Contracts | State: Mississippi | #19268Who owns real property when 2 names are on the mortgage but only 1 is on the deed?
My husband and I have lived in our home for 26 years. We refinanced three years ago using only his financial info so the mortgage is in his name, even though on one page both of our names were listed as borrowers, does that mean that the property is now deeded in his name only or would the original deed from 26 years ago still exist? Thank you.
10/23/2009 | Category: Real Property | State: Pennsylvania | #19267How can I enforce a drainage easement?
I have a drainage easement that runs next to my house property, the easement strip has been cut off because a block wall had been built for a condo complex at least ten years ago. There is a chain link fence that actually runs from the corner of the rear corner of my house to the block wall. How do I claim the property so I can build a block wall to secure my property?
10/22/2009 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Arizona | #19260Does a spurious title document convey title to property?
I am looking for a Court Case or Case Law in California regarding 'Spurious title document never conveys title' in California state Court or Federal Court.
10/22/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: California | #19258What effect does a transfer of property ownership have on an existing mortgage?
I want to transfer the deed of a property - Husband and Wife to an LLC. What is the impact of that transfer? And how does it affect the mortgage? Can the mortgage still be in my name if the deed is on the LLC's name?
10/22/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Arizona | #19257