Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Find a Missing Life Insurance Policy?
my mother died 7,30,1996.some of the insurance policywas mother name,havana reed,havana dixon,havana beene.the policyswas taken out in name is fred l reedher son.any help would beappreciate. also check policy with executive life ins. co. trust.
10/31/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Florida | #19399Can a LLC Be Sued for Personal Debt of the Owner?
I am being sued in a defamation case against my ex-boyfriend. I am a LLC with five homes that are cash free. Can the courts make me pay him for my personal properties? Or---can he only sue me for my personal home and cash in the bank? Which one of these two can he be awarded money against me?
10/31/2009 | Category: LLC | State: Florida | #19398Can a Landlord Deny My Application for Any Reason?
I saw a FOR RENT sign outside a house. The sign said APARTMENT FOR RENT $850. I phoned landlord and went to see apartment. I'LL TAKE IT I SAID. You also have to pay security and last months rent. You also have to fill out an application form. I told her that I have money to pay the rent. She insisted on an application form. The apartment was still available two weeks later, I ...
10/31/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Massachusetts | #19396Where Do I Probate an Estate if Real Property is Owned Outside the State of Residence?
My mother died intestate in Ruidoso, NM, where she lived. She owens a small tract of property in Callahan Co., TX with a value less than $50,000. Where should we file a Small Estate Affidavit? Or can I file the affidavit in my county of residence?
10/30/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Small Estate... | State: Texas | #19395How Do I Challenge a Will in California?
My sister died 6 months ago as a result of drug and alcohol overdose.Her domestic partner who is the personal representative and beneficiary is still abusing drugs and alcohol which we believe makes her incapable of fulfilling her duties as the personal representative. We raised the question with the attorney handling the case and attorney does not agree. The will is 10 years o...
10/30/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: California | #19394Can I Give Financial Rewards to Doctors Who Lease My Medical Equipment?
I rent (lease) surgical lasers equipment to hospitals, surgery centers, and Doctor office in Southern California. My question is simple.. Can I give money back to doctors in the form of a cash rewards card earned for each time equipment is rented? I know that LLC partnerships with Physicians and vendors is no longer legal.
10/30/2009 | Category: Consumer » Unfair Pract... | State: California | #19391Definitions of Economic Terms
What is the definition of total product ,determinant of demand , authoritarian socialism , Interstate Commerce Act , Capital to labor ratio please a i need your help to do a project i can't find the definition of those words and it is for my economics class if you be more exactly than you can Thank u so much
10/29/2009 | Category: Misc | State: Florida | #19381I am in business as a DBA, 1 partner is going to buy me out.
I am in business as a DBA, 1 partner is going to buy me out, but it is taking much longer than it should and his buy out terms are not acceptable to me.The question is, my partner has already started a LLC with the same name as the DBA, with his new partners on the LLC, they are curently doing business under the LLC.I would think that this would be illegal, some sort of faurd? ...
10/29/2009 | Category: Intellectual Prope... | State: California | #19380How can I force my neighbors to remove the sauna and shed encroaching on property?
I have a neighbor who has encroached partially with an outdoor sauna, and fully with a woodshed. We notified her of the encroachment after having a survey done 2 years ago. Her attorney threatened an adverse possession action. She had her own survey done, which upheld the result of our surveyor. We offered all kinds of win-win options, but the neighbor has been unresponsive and...
10/29/2009 | Category: Real Property » Encroachment | State: New York | #19376What would happen if I backed out of a home purchase contract?
I am the buyer of a residential property in Brentwood, in escrow, scheduled to close Nov. 11. After many sleepless nights I now realize I do not want to go through with the purchase. The contingencies I put on the purchase were all met and approved by me except a final inspection of some agreed upon repairs. Can I call my agent and tell them I want out? I am willing to forego...
10/29/2009 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Texas | #19372