Legal Questions and Answers
Is evidence considered tainted if someone other than the police collects it?
If someone other then the police collect evidence, would that fall under tainted evidence and also under the fruit of the poison tree?
10/22/2009 | Category: Criminal | State: Kansas | #19256How can I obtain personal information about a person legally?
What type of Attorney would I need to access anyone personal information legally.
10/22/2009 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Illinois | #19254In your Tax Evasion Essay you sugest hire a former CID agent. How do I do that?
In your Tax Evasion Essay you sugest hire a former CID agent. How do I do that?
10/22/2009 | Category: Taxes | State: Hawaii | #19249What are options on termination of a lease in an unsafe area?
My son entered into a one year lease on Monday. It is now Thursday and he feels the area is unsafe. What are his options as far as terminating the lease? What will he have to pay? What are the damages?
10/22/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Residential ... | State: New Jersey | #19248How can I receive my deceased daughter's retirement savings without setting up an estate?
My daughter died without making a will and now I have to get an EIN # in order to receive her retirement savings account? Since I would prefer not to set up an estate, what do I have to do?
10/22/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Small Estate... | State: Pennsylvania | #19247How can I protect my property while letting a caregiver stay there?
I own a condo in Tucson, AZ and I am proscribed from renting it without the HOAs approval (HOA regulations limits the number of units that can be rented out). I want to have a friend stay there (rent free) as a caretaker, due to the fact I had some significant water damage occur when the house was empty. I only want the friend to pay their own utilities and take care of my ho...
10/22/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Virginia | #19241When is it too late for a creditor to file a claim against an estate in Pennsylvania?
My brother died with no will, no spouse, and no children.All he had to his name was a bank account with $1000, two junk cars, and a classic car. After filling with the county, probate, and publishing his death in the newspaper for three weeks - 1. Are we obligated to pay all his debts that we know about or only those debts that have made a claim?2. To transfer the title of his ...
10/22/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Pennsylvania | #19239Is is legal to be arrested for criminal possession of a controlled substance in someone else's house?
Me, my boyfriend, my sisters sons father, and my best friends daughters father were arrested a fifth person was found with 32 bags of crack on him. We were all charged with 220.16 b felonies there was a search warrant for my best friends house. There was no drugs found on us but we were all charged with possession of it. They have $35,000 bail. Our court date is October 23. Is...
10/21/2009 | Category: Criminal | State: New York | #19231Can I collect personal information about people in Illinois?
I need to collect personal information on other people. How do I go about doing so?
10/21/2009 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Illinois | #19230Is there a legal prohibition for reading other people's text messages?
if someone reads my phones text messages without my permission is that an intrusion of privacy
10/21/2009 | Category: Internet | State: Michigan | #19229