Legal Questions and Answers
Can I Put Company Address and Contact Information on a Website?
I want to do a website directory. Can I list the following information that I find on company websites such as:Name of Company with phone number (click to call), address, Website and e:mail? WITHOUT their permission? Also, if yes I can list it... what happens if they change their e:m;ail without telling me. Can they hold me accountable?
10/27/2009 | Category: Internet | State: Florida | #19328What is the Law on Digital Depositions in Florida?
What is the law regarding digital depositions?
10/27/2009 | Category: Discovery » Depositions | State: Florida | #19327Will a Land Patent Protect Me or Save on Taxes I Owe?
I live in a home that sit sits on 30 acres of farmland, and I own 1/2 mime bay front property. Would a land patent protect me especially on taxes? I live in south Texas.
10/27/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Texas | #19324Special Power of Attorney in Illinois
I want to give power of attorney to my daughter to handle all my financial matters I do I need a special poa? Also I have a trust. Do I need a special one for this?
10/27/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Illinois | #19314What is a Covell Agrement?
What is a cavelle? agreement. When an audit is performed in conjunction or under a Cavelle? Covelle Agreement?
10/26/2009 | Category: Taxes | State: New Jersey | #19309How Do I Add My Son to the Deed?
My wife and I own a home that we live in want to add our son to the deed. We owe about $145.000 on it and are willing to pay for it. The bank of America said we must get him on the deed first first before they will accept it.
10/26/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Hawaii | #19306Can A Material Supplier Serve a Notice of Nonpayment on A Contractor Not in Privity with the Owner?
We are a Florida contractor who performed work on a property owned by a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida. We have received a notice of nonpayment from a material supplier, under an order given by one of our subcontractors. However, this subcontractor did not supply any materials under our contract. The subcontractor did supply materials ...
10/26/2009 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Florida | #19300How Do I Give Property to My Son to Avoid Probate?
How do I transfer or sell my house to my son so that I don't own it and it doesn't go through probate when I die?
10/25/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Missouri | #19287How Much Alimony Can Be Awarded in South Carolina and For How Long?
I have been married for 19 years. I earn $83,000 per year and my husband earns $38,000. I pay the college expenses for our 18 year old and I plan to support our 13 year old. Is it likely that I will be required to pay spousal maintenance to my husband and if so how long is support usually granted?
10/25/2009 | Category: Divorce » Spousal Supp... | State: South Carolina | #19285Can I Recover Property Taxes I Paid In Mistake for Land Already Sold?
My stepfather's mother had property in Ohio. She sold the property but he didn't know it and the purchaser didn't register the land, so, the tax bills came to us ever since and we paid the taxes not knowing (until recently) that the land had been sold. Now, this year due to the economy I can't pay the taxes. Can I file a lien on the property (which could be sold by the state...
10/25/2009 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: Maryland | #19284