Legal Questions and Answers
What is the Law on Adverse Possession in Michigan?
we are considering buying a foreclosed home on 4 lots. Approx 5'x10' of the 4000 sq ft home was built on an ajacent lot. The house is 14 years old, the builder took approx 5 years to build, we have a copy of the Notice of Commencement that is dated May 12, 1990 and filed with the state REG. OF DEEDS on May 23, 1990. If we purchase the property, can adverse possission claimed un...
11/02/2009 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: Michigan | #19430Can Expunged Records Be Used in Court as Evidence?
I had a DUI arrest in 1983. That record was subsequently expunged in 1997. A client who is trying to discredit me, got a copy of the arrest and expungement for her own personal interest and disclosed that information in open family court. She works for the sheriffs department as a clerical person and her sister in law is head of the court records department.I am quite sure t...
11/02/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: California | #19428What Do I Do When the Beneficiary in a Deed of Trust Dies?
Our family trust is co- owner of a trust deed that is ready to pay off. Some of the beneficiaries in the assignment of deed of trust have passed away. How is this handled in the reconveyance?
11/02/2009 | Category: Trusts | State: California | #19425Will A Prenuptial Hold Up In Court in California?
Would do it yourself prenup forms found on hold up in court in case of divorce? What else might be necessary (notary, attorney review?) to enforce these documents? which forms need to be completed?
11/02/2009 | Category: Marriage » Premarital A... | State: California | #19422How Do I Get a Remedy When a Contractor Won't Return Calls About Defects in My Home?
I keep finding problems with the constuction with my home.THe house leaked the contractor did not cut out the attic vent no air comes in. The side of the house bulged out. Tile as had to be replaced in large kitchen and hall due to not using proper steps to install. Front porch concete is tipping drive way is chipping real bad.walls are not straight.baseboards not installed pro...
11/02/2009 | Category: Warranties | State: Missouri | #19407Can I Appear Pro Se to Defend an Easement I Am Being Sued Ove?
A woman owns land in her name only but she was sued along with John Does 1-5 over an easement, her husband being one of the John Does but not named by name, can her husband and herself act as Pro Se together in their defense?
11/01/2009 | Category: Courts » Pro Se | State: Montana | #19405Is a Landlord Obligated to Provide a Written Reference Letter?
Is there any obligation for the landlord to provide a written reference letter when there is a concern that verbal references will be malicious? Can a request for a written reference be requested in writing by an attorney on behalf of a renter?
11/01/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Florida | #19404What Are the Rights of a Military Person to Terminate a Lease in California?
Hi, I have a question regarding an Oregon Lease. I have a single family dwelling in Medford, OR. The tenant signed a one year lease and moved in 9-20-09. Today, I received notice that the husband that is in the military has had his orders changed and the family will now be moving in with him on base. What is the law regarding military personell breaking a lease due to a cha...
11/01/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #19403How Do I Sue a Person for Unauthorized Use of My Credit Card?
I have a step daughter who I allowed to use my credit card once in an emergency and she within a months time before I received my statement charged over $10,000 on limo's and cartons of wine. She did not have my card, only my credit card number. I did not want to charge her with fraud at that time as she said she would send me money however that never happened. I will do so...
11/01/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Cards | State: California | #19402Can a Power of Attorney Made in the US Be Used Overseas?
I gave a 'General Durable Power of Attorney Effective upon execution' on Dec 12 2008 in front of Notary public Jeanne Robinson Carroll county Maryland, to my sister. The purpose was to act on my behalf with regards to bank matters of my deceased mother. Such matters were to be executed overseas in India where the deceased held accounts.1. What is the validity of this Power of A...
10/31/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Massachusetts | #19401