Legal Questions and Answers
Will I Pay Lower Taxes if I Incorporate?
I have been a equities day trader for over a year now and I was told that I should trade under a corporation. I trade with my own capital. Is it better for taxes to claim 'trader status' under me personally or should I incorporate? If incorporate which one is best for me?
11/04/2009 | Category: Taxes | State: Louisiana | #19464Who is Eligible for Getting Records Expunged in Rhode Island?
I have 1 domestic assault from 1997 and 1 from 1998. I plead nolo to both. I also have a simple assault from 2004. That was a guilty. I need them off my record, I can't get a job with them. I am in RI. I've tried to expunge them myself but got nowhere. what do I do? I need to make them go away...from what I have read the AG's flunky is treating them like felonies, not misde...
11/04/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Rhode Island | #19463Who Owns the Sidewalk?
I own a home in the city and the neighbor tells me in front of my house is NOT MY sidewalk, what about parking on the sidewalk, and who maintains the sidewalk. I was working on my porch and asked her to move back her cigarette smoke was bothering me and I have very sensitive lungs. She started ranting and raving that is not my sidewalk, and I stated her 'all right then since y...
11/04/2009 | Category: Real Property | State: Pennsylvania | #19461How Do I Enforce a Jeweler's Lien in Georgia?
Hi, looking for Georgia law about unclaimed jewelry left at a store for repair. How long have to hold onto it, when and how to dispose of it, how much above charges to repair can be kept, does customer ever have recourse in the future? Time frame?
11/04/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Liens | State: Georgia | #19457How Do I Make a Revocable Trust Irrevocable?
Shortly before his death my attorney set up a deed of trust (revocable) ('not irrevocable' wording in the document) with him as trustee, my cousin as beneficiary, I am the grantor. Now that he has died I want to set up a deed that is irrevocable changing only the revocable wording to irrevocable, with the same beneficiary. I will find my own new trustee. I need cook book style ...
11/04/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Texas | #19456When are Schedules Required to Be filed in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Do I have to file my schedules at the time of my petition and if not, how long do I have to file those. A voluntary petition, Chapter 7, Personal bankruptcy?
11/04/2009 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: Texas | #19455How Do I Collect on a Promissory Note?
How to collect promissory note for 70k from personal borrower? It is notarized and legal and borrower has many assets of value.
11/03/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: California | #19450Should an Accountant form a PLLC or a LLC in Illinois?
I am registered certified public accountant in Illinois (not a licensed certified public accountant who can provide attest services and sign financial statements) I want to form a LLC because I bought a tax franchise. I may also offer accounting services like bookkeeping, etc. Should I form a LLC or PLLC in Illinois? Is it ok in that case to just form a LLC?
11/03/2009 | Category: LLC | State: Illinois | #19449How Do I Get a Title Transferred if the Deed Was Never Recorded?
We purchased a modular home 14 years ago and never received a title to it. Since this was the first modular we had ever bought, we did not know we had to have one and the Title Company and Real Estate that we used did not tell us. At the time, the previous owners were there and could have signed over the title but it was not done. Now we are trying to sell and found out we cann...
11/03/2009 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Michigan | #19447How is a Homeoners Association Created?
When I bought my home in a subdivision 4 years ago there was not a home owners association, dues or restrictions. Now someone who will not reveal their name is sending notices that they will establish a HOA, meeting times and states that we will be required to pay dues starting 2010. Can they just decide that I have to pay dues when it was not apart of the contract when I purc...
11/03/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Missouri | #19446