Legal Questions and Answers
Will My Lender Allow Me to Give My House to My Parents?
My husband and I would like to give my mother and father a piece of land (29.25 acres). We owe around $63,000 on it. We want to give them a General Warranty Deed (for Christmas) that shows the property being in their name..conveyed to them by us (we have the General Warranty Deed in our name now). We still want to make the payments on it to the bank until paid off. Are we legal...
11/09/2009 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Tennessee | #19536How Do I Get an Annulment in New York?
I have been Married for less than a year and want to get an Anullment. How do I proceed?
11/09/2009 | Category: Divorce » Annulment | State: New York | #19533How Do I Create a Medicaid Income Trust?
We are thinking of putting our estate in our children's names or in irrevocable trusts to make us Medicaid eligible if entered into a nursing home Please advise as to steps we should take. Information required on forms necessary to make our estates eligible for Medicaid assistance if nursing home care is deemed necessary in the future.
11/09/2009 | Category: Medicaid | State: New York | #19532How Can I Break a Lease in Alaska?
I have signed a one year lease but now have a great opportunity to buy a condo. What is my liability if I give thirty days notice to vacate my apartment?
11/08/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Alaska | #19520How Can I Be Involuntarily Committed in Mississippi?
In January 2008, I was committed to a mental institution for over a month following a visit to a local E.R. with an ear complaint and a Mississippi chancery court hearing. In the mental institution I was assaulted on almost a daily basis and could not even sign my own name for weeks following discharge because of the side effects of forcible drug injections. The person chiefly ...
11/08/2009 | Category: Civil Rights | State: Mississippi | #19519Can the Other Party force Me to Settle the Case?
I lost money in market due to a lawyer. I lost $16,000 and they only want to give $7500. Also they want my social security number? They sent me a stipulation of settlement. Must I accept their offer and must i give them my social security number to settle a case? Is that wise?
11/08/2009 | Category: Courts » Settlements | State: Florida | #19518Is There a Grace Period For Paying Rent in Nevada?
such a thing as a grace period for rent due in Nevada or do the landlords ..... What can I do if I am being evicted after I paid rent because I ..... of rent after you have given them the 14 day notice of lease termination
11/08/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Nevada | #19517Can I Prevent the Rental of Sale of Property of Another if I'm Not the Owner?
I am buying a home(cash) for my daughter-in-law-I would like to have a document that would prohibit her from doing anthing (2nd mortgage,rent,or sell etc) without my ok. I intend to put the house in her name so that she quailifies for the $ 8000 aid for first time home buyers. In other words I want to maintain control over the house .
11/08/2009 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Florida | #19515How Do I Defend Aginst My Neighbors Hiding Cameras in My Home?
My neighbors have hidden cameras and speakers planted in my house. How can I defend myself?
11/07/2009 | Category: Civil Rights » Privacy | State: Pennsylvania | #19514How May A Marine Pilot Be Disciplined in Alaska?
0000000000000 In the Alaska Marine Statutes found at the term 'showing cause' found in 12AAC56.310(c)(10) indicate that the 'cause' must be severe enough to meet the definition of 'for cause' found in 12AAC56.990(a)(35) meaning 'incompetence' as defined in 12AAC56.990(a)(14) or 'misconduct' as defined in 12AAC56.990(a)(1...
11/07/2009 | Category: Employment | State: Alaska | #19513