Legal Questions and Answers
How can I change the father listed on a birth certificate and the child's name?
I put the wrong father on the birth certificates of both of my daughters. they are now 13 and 15 and would like to legally have their biological fathers name, whom I've been married to for 6 years. We did conduct an independent DNA test for both children. My ex husband who is not the biological father but is on the birth certificate has not been involved for the past 12 year...
11/12/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: California | #19593Can a landlord pursue the inheritance of a personal guarantor on the lease?
scenario a married couple own a business that business leases a property the lease includes a personal guarantee later the business fails and cannot pay the rent the landlord sues and the business has no assets one spouse now has an inheritance (did not have it when the lease was signed or when the business 1st failed) can the landlord go after the inheritance?
11/12/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Arizona | #19592What remedies are available if executor has abused powers under the estate?
I am a beneficiary of an Estate that final distribution was in 2007. I signed paperwork in early 2006 saying I wouldn't go after the co-Executors. Only my Sister and her husband actually handled the estate which had to be well over 2 million. We got no accounting. Several properties were sold, 2 sales of belongings. It is obvious there was some thievery by what transpired...
11/12/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executors an... | State: Montana | #19591What can be done to enforce a durable power of attorney?
I have Durable Power of Attorney for both of my relatives. Also, I am the Executor of both Wills. I was told by Chase Bank that no one can change their or alter the annuities in anyway except the owners of the annuity. Both of the owners have been certified by their physicians that they are unable to make such decisions. Is this true? The male wants to leave his to the hou...
11/12/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Texas | #19590What type of release would be needed to protect a self defense instructor?
I am a traveling self defense life skills Master Instructor. I just started to travel and train young and older adults on the art of street self defense. The sessions also include some physical cardio activity which is part of the overall routine and or lession as well as hands on demonstration of self defense techniques. Part of this training is knowledge and that comes fro...
11/12/2009 | Category: Personal Injury | State: New Jersey | #19589Must I return a computer given by former employer?
Employer purchases a personal computer for employee and gives employee computer as gift.employer lays off employee and then six weeks later fires employee and demands computer returned as company property.Employee has been in possession of computer from 1-01-09 to present. We reside in Pennsylvania. Who has original receipt of purchase Employee has possession. Who would likel...
11/12/2009 | Category: Employment | State: Pennsylvania | #19587What is required for contractors to join together to be properly licensed in California?
I want some one who is a Individual owner (A/C contractor to license my Corporation (Plumbing contractor)so my corp. can do both. I need to understand what is meant by 7068.1 C under 7068. Qualifications. I don't want to give up 20% ownership in my company and he doesn't want to close his business. Can this be done? by using line (c) of 7068.1. What is meant by (the majori...
11/11/2009 | Category: Contractors | State: California | #19579Must a professional company disclose its membership's professional status?
If a professional orginization has a membership of roughly 20% of that profession, would failure to disclose that information to a government body who is enacting sweeping changes that severly affect that profession potentially be considered fraud?
11/11/2009 | Category: Corporations » Professional... | State: Florida | #19576How Do I Get the Money From A CD of My Deceased Mother?
My mother passed away in 1997. We just found that she had a CD which was not distributed to the heirs. We did not know about the CD. What do we need to do? I live in Florida. My mother lived in Pa.
11/11/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Florida | #19574Can I Have Custody of My Son if the Mother Died?
My son's mother just passed and my 17 year old son wants to stay with his 20 year old brother in the house. Can I get custody of my 17 year old son?
11/11/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Florida | #19570