Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Expunge an Eviction?
Can my eviction record be expunged if I was not evicted but I paid the judgment?
11/13/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Maryland | #19612How Do I Change My Name in New York?
In 1887 I lived in California and was devorced, On my legal records I used the name that I gave myself but not born with that name. Now after more than 22 years I have moved back to New York. Even though all my government Social Security,tax forms, Medical records all have the name I used all these years...New York will not give me a drivers license because my b...
11/13/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: New York | #19610How can I collect for plumbing services in Rhode Island?
What legal form should my plumbing company send a customer that has an unpaid bill refusing to pay in order to collect the debt?
11/13/2009 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Rhode Island | #19607What does "joined pro forma" mean?
When signing a document such as an easement, what significance does the addition of 'Joined Pro Forma by Wife _______' have. In other words what is the meaning of 'Joined by Wife Pro Forma'?
11/13/2009 | Category: Misc | State: Texas | #19606How can I clear my criminal record so I can enlist in the military and own a gun again?
I was convicted of residential burglary when i was 18 and I'm now 29. I want to get my rights restored like my right to bear arms so i can join the military and i don't know what forms i need. can you help me?
11/13/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Washington | #19605What should be in a separation letter to my bank for modifying my mortgage?
I'm married, my husband left the house 15 years ago, my mortgage company is requesting a separation letter where or how can I get this? I am married my husband left the house 15 years ago since them we have no communication, now I am modifying my home loan that I got after he left, now the bank is asking me for a separation letter how can i get this, since i don't know where is...
11/13/2009 | Category: Real Property | State: California | #19604Would an executor lose his house if the medical bills of his parents couldn't be paid?
My husband is power of attorney from state of MI for his parents his dad has Alzheimer's and his mother had a massive stroke, and has some brain damage and not able to make financial decisions. My husband and our two daughters are the executors of the estate if and when they die but until then if they run up medical bills and take a lean out on there home that is in MI to live ...
11/13/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Tennessee | #19601If I have to move out of state, may I terminate my residential lease?
In Virginia lease law, if your employer terminates your job, or you are required to move out of state, can you terminate an apartment lease without penalty?
11/13/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Virginia | #19600How do I calculate the amount of money to pay under a QDRO order and modify alimony?
I've been divorced since June 2,2006 and have a QUDRO. i have reached my retirement. the decree states my ex-spouse is entitled to 50% of my pension, however my pension is paid in two parts. The question I seek is if I receive $500.00 from the company I will also receive an amt. termed supplemental in the amt. of $2,500.00. Is my ex only entitled to 50% of the $500.00 or is she...
11/13/2009 | Category: Divorce » Modification | State: Ohio | #19599How does spouse transfer real property that was homestead of deceased?
If someone dies without a will in Texas can the spouse use a Quit Claim Deed to convey the homestead property to a new seller AND will title insurance be granted to the new buyer? The estate was not probated due to the low value of the estate.
11/13/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Texas | #19595