Legal Questions and Answers
Can I Make the School Transfer My Son to Another Classroom?
We have a problem with my sons teacher, 4th grade. Its an abuse of power. The teacher humiliated my son in front of the class. after we contacted the teacher to figure out if the issue was something my son did. we realize the teacher is on her high horse. the next day the teacher addressed the class about lies and time consumption on the phone again addressing my son. we were a...
11/16/2009 | Category: Education | State: Texas | #19649Do I Have a Right to See My Mother's Will?
Can I obtain a will for my dead mother who passed in August of 2009? My brother who is executor and I do not speak. Is there a way to obtain said document without contacting my only relative?
11/16/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: California | #19648Should I Answer a Summons or File Bankruptcy if I Am Judgment Proof?
I was served a summons for a medical bill I owe for $6,000.00 for skin cancer. I was unable to make payments on it like I agreed (verbal) because I got real sick, unable to work full time, I filed bankruptcy in 2006, I am trying to keep my house out of foreclosure. I have NO assets. I do not know how to reply to this form. One lawyer said let them get judgement because I have n...
11/16/2009 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Colorado | #19647How Do I Interpret a Vague Time Period in a Contract?
I signed a business contract in Jan 2009 that is forgiven in 12 months. What date is it forgiven? DEC 2009 or Jan 2010?
11/16/2009 | Category: Contracts | State: New Jersey | #19646How Can I Force a Board of Directors to Elect a New Director?
The Board of Directors of our Non-Profit foundation has been stalling on appointing a new Director even though our Articles of Incorporation call for a minimum of 10 Board members. I believe the reason they are doing so is because there are 5 members with a certain agenda and they will not have a majority if there are 10 Board Members (there are currently 9). Can they do th...
11/16/2009 | Category: Corporations | State: Washington | #19645Will Bankruptcy Stop Foreclosure and Allow Me to Sell My House?
House being auctioned tomorrow, have been ill and could not get Indymac to modify the loan although they did and I made a payment. My income was lost and now found. All I want to do now is stop the auction so that I can sell the house on a short sale during the bk, I have the skeleton forms. I have an interest in land in an LLC, but the land did not sale in auction, it lacked...
11/16/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: California | #19644Can I Give Back a Timeshare if I Can't Afford the Fees Any Longer?
I own a Marriott timeshare in Colorado and can no longer afford to pay the annual maintenance fees. The timeshare hasn't been used in probably 10 years, during most of which time my husband was disabled by a stroke. I'm a 70 year old widow and when my husband died almost 2 years ago, so did my income. I've been unable to sell or even give this timeshare away. Can I legally ...
11/16/2009 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Missouri | #19618Can I Get in Trouble if My Wife is Embezzling Money into Our Joint Account?
Just curious.I have discovered that my wife, acting as the execute of her mother's estate, is taking money from the estate without informing her 3 brothers (ages 45, 39, and 35). Two of the brothers are married and one is an award to the state.My question is this, I discovered she has deposited this money (at least $15,000 recently) in an a joint account with my name it. Again...
11/15/2009 | Category: Fiduciary Duty | State: Michigan | #19616Will I Owe Less in Damages for Breaching a Lease if i Refuse a Settlement?
I have defaulted in a commercial Lease with 7 months remaining,I have been contacted by an attorney from the Landlord, the balance remaining was $3,593, I just return keys on 11/2/09 and they offered me a settlement for the whole amount, but I feel that they would lease the office again in no more than 3 mos,I will pay $125 for 6 months and after that $150, so It will take me u...
11/14/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Florida | #19614Can I Sue a Seller for Fraud if They Don't Sign a Contract While Waiting for a Better Offer?
I live in Massachusetts. Recently, I made an offer to buy a condo in Brooklyn, New York. After my offer was accepted by the seller, I then signed the purchase agreement and sent it to the seller's attorney. More than a month passed, the seller still has not signed the purchase agreement. During this period, my attorney asked their attorney several times about whats going on and...
11/13/2009 | Category: Contracts | State: Massachusetts | #19613