Legal Questions and Answers
How would a person's assets be distributed if he failed to sign his Last Will and Testament?
deceased party leaves an unexecuted draft will but have a reasonable amount of assets. What is the process to have an executor appointed to manage the deceased desires to destribute the assets.
11/19/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Maryland | #19694What do we do with a lease agreement that came with property bought at court sale?
I have recently purchased land through a court sale there is a lease agreement on the land the agreement has not been recorded and stipulations in the lease have not been met I need to know how binding the agreement is in OK.
11/19/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Oklahoma | #19693How do I obtain guardianship over children whose mother is not capable of caring for them?
My niece has been diagnosed as bipolar an she has substance abuse problems and has already had 2 children removed from her care. Her youngest child is 2 and we have her. Her mom left her with us a week ago and she is not able to care for her and has a long history of offences, I am seeking legal guardianship of this child and need to know best way to go about it. Probably wi...
11/19/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Texas | #19691How do I cancel or satisfy a recorded mortgage?
Form for Cancellation by individual Form required to completely satisfy a recorded Mortgage?
11/19/2009 | Category: Real Property » Mortgage Sat... | State: Florida | #19690What is a Notice of Default for a Trust deed?
I'm trying to find the form for Notice of Default, for a 1st trust deed.
11/18/2009 | Category: Real Property | State: Oregon | #19682Am I responsible for credit card account opened without my signature?
My wife opened a credit card account in both of our names without my knowledge. She passed away in May 2008. I never was aware of this account until she passed. Now the credit card company is holding me responsible and has applied negative marks to my credit rating. She used my name and SSN in opening the account. The card company cannot provide me with a signature card. ...
11/18/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Cards | State: Indiana | #19681Will My Wife Get Alimony if We Divorce in Minnesota?
My gross monthly income is $3900.00 and hers is $2400.00. She is fully capable of supporting herself. we have been married for 26 years. Should or would she receive spousal maintenance?
11/18/2009 | Category: Divorce » Spousal Supp... | State: Minnesota | #19679Can I Trim My Neighbor's Tree?
My nieghbor is treating me, calling the police and other horible actions all because I want to trim back his tree limbs and branches back to my property line. He is saying that I cant cut a branch if it is over 2 inches thick??? The trees are blocking light to my 17 arborvities that are under these trees, stunting the growth, they also cause alot of litter every year that i hav...
11/18/2009 | Category: Trees | State: Georgia | #19677Can A Court in Louisiana Order Back Child Support for an Adult Child?
My husband, after a DNA test, found out that he has a 36 year old daughter - this was pursued by her. What are his legal responsibilities towards her in the state of Louisiana, although we are moving to Texas in the next couple of months.
11/18/2009 | Category: Paternity » DNA Test | State: Louisiana | #19675How Can My Daughter Keep Her Boyfriend from Entering the Apartment After He Left?
My daughter and her boyfriend cotenant an apt. they have a child together, the BF has decided he dosn't want to be in the relationship any longer and has moved out to his parents home but he refuses to pay his portion of the rent or even have his name removed from the lease unless my Daughter agrees to sign a piece of paper with some demands he wants. until she does he won't g...
11/18/2009 | Category: Paternity | State: Minnesota | #19674