Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Transfer Marital Property to a LLC in Michigan?
My husband and I purchased two single family homes and both will be rental properties. To protect our personal assets, I set up LLC for each property. How do I transfer the property to the LLC?
11/22/2009 | Category: LLC | State: Michigan | #19729Do I Have to Pay Child Support for an Emancipated Minor under 19 in Colorado?
Can a person between the age of 18 and 19 be emancipated from parents, since she lives with the boyfriend in a common law marriage relationship and even have a checking account together, and are witnesses that she lives with this adult man for about year and half, and sustain sexual relationship with this adult man since she was 15 (and the guy was already 22...statutory rape) ...
11/21/2009 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Colorado | #19728If My Husband Forged My Name on Checks Can I Get the Money Back?
My husband and myself have been married for 14 years. I received an inheritance of 1.2 million in early 2008. The funds were placed in a joint checking account. My husband has forged my name and requested, on line transfers from this same checking account. I am divorcing him. Can I get the full amount of the inheritance back? My husband has a $200,000 a year job, and a larg...
11/21/2009 | Category: Criminal » Forgery | State: Oregon | #19727How Do I Refinance a Mortgage and Deduct Interest on My Taxes?
My wife and I live in Michigan and currently have a $200,000 mortgage on our house with a 6.125% annual rate. After selling a piece of property, my in-laws who live in Mississippi have offered to pay off our mortgage and allow us take out a mortgage with them at a much lower fixed rate (3.75%). We plan to take out a 20 year mortgage with them. We have called our mortgage comp...
11/21/2009 | Category: Real Property » Mortgage Sat... | State: Michigan | #19726What Can I Do About A Former Employer Giving Me a Bad Reference?
I worked for a fast food company for three years. This summer I was made manager. I am also a full time college student. My boss was texting me in school and harassing me to work more hours. I told her I couldn't and quit. So now she is giving me bad references for future jobs. What can I do?
11/21/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: New York | #19725How Do I Terminate a Lease in Florida?
i have a lease with a tenant. The lease is for one-year and will expire in 5 days. I have been in contact via text messages with the tenant and requested that they vacate the property at lease term. They will not. What are my options?
11/21/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Florida | #19724Can I Sue for Loss of Consortium if the Driver Has Insurance Coverage?
Please help as this is VERY important and I need some real advice from someone who really knows...Let's say the other driver (who was at fault) has $15,000/$30,000 limit per person/per accident under Bodily Injury Liability, can I, (the legal wife) make a separate claim for 'loss of consortium' in the state of California? Additional Note: My husband was in an accident but I was...
11/21/2009 | Category: Damages | State: California | #19723How Do I Evict My Son in California?
What is the lawful procedure for evicting an adult son (33 yrs old), on parole, from our home?
11/21/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #19722Can I Charge a Fee For Assisting in a Loan Modification in California?
I have been in the mortgage industry for over 20 years. I specialize in Loss Mitigation. I have been assisting borrowers on getting a loan modification completed with their lender. I do this through my dba Mortgage Works Services, and have never had a loan turned down, and my fees are very fair. Although I understand there are a lot of scam artists out there I am not one of...
11/20/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: California | #19721How Do I File a Lawsuit for a Public Records Request in Virginia?
I am attempting to get a University police report which was conducted on me which will demonstrate certain people who initiated it simply used the report to get a job I was a competitor for. I was not permitted to get the report by the state's office of Employee Dispute resolution, but they indicated I may be able to obtain it via FOIA or the Government Dat Collection and Diss...
11/20/2009 | Category: Records | State: Virginia | #19720