Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Subpoena a Witness to an Arbitration Hearing?
I am handling my own Finra Arbitration hearing. I wish to subpoena two witnesses. This is a hearing, not a civil case, what forms could I use as a guideline to prepare a subpoena. Finra says they do not have the form, it is up to me to send it to them for approval. At that point the Director approves, and then gives it to the Arbitrator for approval. Again what form could I uti...
11/25/2009 | Category: Arbitration and Me... | State: Pennsylvania | #19788If I Acquire Property While Separated Can My Husband Claim It In a Divorce?
I am a 60 yr woman who would like to leave my husband of 5 yrs. The property was his before our marriage. I do not want anything from him. I don't care if we divorce or not. My question is, 'Since NJ is a community property state,if I leave and purchase myself a home, is he entitled to anything if we are only separated?'
11/25/2009 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: New Jersey | #19786How Does a Deed Transfer to a Joint Tenant After the Death of the Other Owner?
How does a surviving joint tenant spread of record the death of another owner?
11/24/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: California | #19778How Do I Recover Money from a Bad Check in Florida?
11/24/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Bad Checks | State: Florida | #19776Is a Corporate Officer Also an Employee?
I formed an s- corp with two other partners 6 years ago. They have since terminated me on grounds of professional misconduct . I thought I would sue for wrongful termination but then I am I an employee to be terminated? The three of us started this company and each have 3 equal shares( I just got outvoted...very limited articles in incorporation...we were naive...
11/24/2009 | Category: Corporations | State: South Carolina | #19772How Does Adultery Affect Child Custody?
percentage of child custody cases awarded to the parent who has committed adultery
11/24/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Mississippi | #19771What State Form Should A Military Member Use?
I am retired and live in Texas. My Son is in the military. He currently is in school in California. His Home of Record is Florida since that is where he joined the military. But he has no address in Florida. He owns a home in Virginia but doesnt file homestead since his Home of Record for the military is Florida. They have a 4 month old baby and we want to do the legal docu...
11/24/2009 | Category: Military | State: Texas | #19770What is the Difference Between a Loan and a Mortgage?
I am doing a promissory note with my parents. They want to make sure it is recorded, so I am trying to find the correct form. $325,000 at 4.5% interest for 3 years. Should I use a promissory note then put a lien on the property in case something would happen to me or should i do a mortgage with them instead and register the mortgage by a lien against the property. the mortg...
11/24/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: Florida | #19769Should I file Divorce Where My Wife Lives or Where I Live?
In Feb 09 my wife left with my daughter while we where living Arizona and ran off to her moms house in Oswego, NY. Following her leaving I slowly lost everything and was forced to move to Oregon where I have family. My spouse tried to take custody away from me in NY, but in the end we ended up with joint custody. I have been living in Oregon since June 09. Where can I file...
11/24/2009 | Category: Divorce | State: Oregon | #19764What Do I Do if a Neighbor is Blocking Our Private Road?
main dirt road threw Hawaii subdivision is private rd., owned by man who does not own land in subdivision(only road). yet deeds state road is 40 feet wide for all owners to use. man at first of rd. has narrowed the rd. down to 10 ft. next to his house by placing large rocks along rd. he will not stop it, since rd. runs along his 6 lots so he thinks he has a right to do it. mu...
11/23/2009 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Hawaii | #19763