Legal Questions and Answers
Is it possible to claim a homestead exemption on properties located in separate states?
can you have two homestead tax exp husband and wife are on deed in pa and wife owning property in fla are there legal forms that i will need?
11/20/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homestead | State: Pennsylvania | #19718What can I do if I have suffered due to the misstatements made by financial advisor of a trust?
had a lawyer who acted as a fiduciary for my mothers trust, whom mistreated the guidlines of trust , which is not the topic . the said lawyer during his time hired a finacial adviser to help us with what I do not know . I wanted to take my money out of said finacial advisers hands to invest in a condo, I asked for my money and he replied that I would be better off refinacing my...
11/20/2009 | Category: Trusts | State: Arizona | #19712What can I do if my ex-spouse doesn't transfer property to be split under our divorce?
It was stipulated in the divorce settlement that our yacht be sold and proceeds divided is our only free and cleared asset valued at $240,000.00 He has since moved the yacht out of the country...what is my recourse?
11/20/2009 | Category: Contempt | State: Florida | #19709Who has the right to make burial decisions once a principal is deceased?
can decisions made concerning funeral and burial dispositions by the agent be changed by a spouse after death of principal ?
11/19/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Arizona | #19708How much notice must I give my landlord to move out of my month to month lease?
I am a month to month tenant. The owner is selling the house. I was just accepted to rent another house. Do I have to give 30 days notice or can I move with less notice, like 10 days?
11/19/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #19707How can I change my last name back to my maiden name after my divorce?
I was divorced several years ago,after paying my lawyer an enormous amount of money, andI never even got my previous last name thru the courts. Can I file on my own?
11/19/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: Texas | #19706How do I claim the federal exemptions allow in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
I am filing a pro se Chapter 7. I want to use the federal exemptions. Which one do I check. G 11 U.S.C. _ 522(b)(2) G 11 U.S.C. _ 522(b)(3)
11/19/2009 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: Texas | #19705Does the Alaska administrative code allow for project managers to build public schools?
What are the legal differences between the disciplines of construction management and project management as they relate to construction projects? Do to the courts recognize them as different disciplines?The reason for the questions is this. The state of Alaska Administrative Code 4 AAC 31.055(c), Selection of designers and construction managers, states, '(a) If a school distr...
11/19/2009 | Category: Contractors | State: Alaska | #19704Is it illegal in Virginia to spank your clothed child with and without your hand?
is spanking your child with clothes on with other than your hand constitute child abuse under Virginia law?
11/19/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Virginia | #19701What happens to a LLC when the sole member dies?
My husband recently passed away. He has an LLC business that I am trying to keep going but I was not made a member of the LLC before he passed. Can I form a new one under the same name or can I still become a member of his LLC without his signature?
11/19/2009 | Category: LLC | State: Michigan | #19696