Legal Questions and Answers
What Happens to Restrictive Covenants After the Builder is Out of Business?
What if covenants have a builders restriction, but the builder is no longer in business? In essence, the entity does not exist.
11/11/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Minnesota | #19568Go I Have to Continue Performing if They Defaulted in Payments?
We are an engineering firm working for a developer who has filed bankruptcy, The developer is trying to force to complete our work even though they have not paid us over 180K and the work will require another 90K to finish. Can they force to complete our contract if they are in default of payments?
11/11/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Georgia | #19563Do I Need a Trade Name as a Sole Proprietor?
I am an independent contractor and the company I contract for has told me that I need a business name even though I am a sole proprietor. Is that legal?
11/10/2009 | Category: Corporations | State: Colorado | #19562Does the Lender Need to Give Me Time to Sell the House Before Foreclosing?
In Indiana my mother passed away w/o a will. She owns a house valued at 45,000 with a 15,000 mortgage. The lender was in the process of foreclosure but put a hold on the process because payments that were made. Can they take the house and keep it even if the value of the home is more than the loan? My credit is awful and I am afraid I can't get financing. Is there a law that ...
11/10/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Indiana | #19561Is My Overhanging Eave Giving Me Ownership of Neighboring Properrty??
my eve hangs 1 foot 2 inches over my neighbors lot for 50 years. can I claim this property in court, or do I have to cut off the eve to satisfy my neighbor? I would love to capture the property because she will not let me on the property! real problem!
11/10/2009 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: Indiana | #19560Can I Get Alimony and Health Insurance if I Divorce in Florida?
I am and took early retirement due to illness, stoke, brain tumor, knee replacements. My husband is 'If we divorce, am i entitled to spousal support and any health insurance? There are no children involved. we are married years.
11/10/2009 | Category: Divorce | State: Florida | #19559How Do I Limit My Liability When I Sell Land?
I live in CA and own a lot that is offered for sale at $900k in HI. I paid $480k for the lot.My interest is in safeguarding myself and other properties in CA from liability claims and loss of any tax advantage (1031 or other) when the lot sells.
11/10/2009 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: California | #19558Can I Get a Sex Offense Expunged in Missouri?
How can I get a sex offense expunged from my record?
11/10/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Missouri | #19551How Do I Contest a Mechanics Lien in Texas?
I wish to contest a mechanics lien affidavit filed by the general contractor on a commercial building. I am the owner of the building.
11/10/2009 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Texas | #19542Can An Attorney Who Represented Me as a Corporate Officer Due Me?
I was doing business using license of a company under warble agreement for time of 18 month during that time law firm were representing corporation made me secretory of corporation by adding my name by corporation's presidents instruction. I was secretory for 6 months prior to leaving corporation, now same law firm is representing corporation against me in law suit.since same...
11/09/2009 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Florida | #19540