Legal Questions and Answers
Can My Child Change His Name to My New Husband's Name?
I would like to legally change my 14 yr old and 10 yr olds last name to my current married name. Their father has not been in their lives for the last 5 yrs at all and has been in their lives sporadically since they've been born. He's been more absent in their lives than he's been there. He's never paid a dime of child support and when our divorce was final he was granted super...
11/03/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: Texas | #19445What is the Punishment for Forging a Student Aid Application?
In 2003 I cosigned a student loan for my brother in-law. He later went on to use my information to fill out three additional student loan applications in which he forged my signature and used my social security number without permission. These loans total to about 40K. I have two questions:1) If I were to report this what crime would he be facing? Would it be considered a felo...
11/03/2009 | Category: Criminal » Statute of L... | State: Massachusetts | #19443Is a Power of Attorney Created in California Good for Use in the UK?
Will a Calif. limited power of attorney be valid in the Unite Kingdom or the European Union? My daughter is doing a study abroad next January in the U.K. and vacationing in Germany, and her school recommends she execute a power of attorney in case of emergency. She is 21.
11/03/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: California | #19442Can a Lease Be Renewed by a Letter?
I own a commercial building in CO. A tenant asked for a new 2 yr lease and I agreed in a letter to a 1 year lease with 1 year option. The letter stated all other terms and conditions of the expired lease remain valid and in full force and effect. The tenant, 6 months into the new term, wants to move out and they beleive they are on a month to month lease term. I have no ne...
11/03/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Colorado | #19441How Do I Get Representative Letters to Pay Bills for My Deceased Mother?
I need a Personal Representation letter for my deceased mother so That I can take care of her utilitiy bill ASAP?
11/03/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Michigan | #19439What is the Statute of Limitations for Forgery in Illinois?
what is the statue of limitaions for forging a spouse signature on a mortgage?
11/03/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Limitations | State: Illinois | #19437How Do I Change My Name in Pennsylvania?
Hi - I just got married and am planning to change my last name. I ALSO want to change the spelling of my first name. I have been spelling my name differently since grade-school and figured since my last name is changing, this would be a good time to take care of my first name as well. What do I need to do?
11/03/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: Pennsylvania | #19435What Can I Deduct From Federal Income Taxes?
what are allowable aounts ofdeductables in personal income tax
11/03/2009 | Category: Taxes | State: California | #19434What Do I Do With Property Never Picked Up By A Buyer at a Public Aucton?
After my business went out of business we had a public auction. Several items were never picked up (left in my building and supposed to be out within 5 days per the auctioneer) we made repeated attempts to get the buyer to pick up his items. 6 months later they were told to get the items out by the end of october. Its now november. We also have a saved voice mail by the buy...
11/03/2009 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: New York | #19433Will My Past Drug Use Affect My Ability to Get Guardianship of a Child?
My daughter lives in AZ and she is in jail at this time. She asked me to come get her infant son. I need to know what forms I need and will I be able to keep him as I have a drug history but am clean now. Do u see any problems? I have a house to live in and would not need any help from the state except for medical, the rest I can handle.
11/03/2009 | Category: Guardianship | State: California | #19432