Legal Questions and Answers
May I collect unemployment benefits while receiving severance pay?
Hi, I am being laid off from my company on Oct 31st I will end up getting a lump sum payment to cover 8 weeks. I live in PA, can I apply and get unemployment comp immediately or would I have to wait until the 8 weeks were passed. Also, I am getting a $1600 pension check from a company I worked for before - does this effect what I receive if I apply for Social Security - I am 6...
10/15/2009 | Category: Employment | State: Pennsylvania | #19112How can we rescind consent for a 17 year old high school recruit in the Marines?
My nephew, who is 17 years old and still in high school, was approached by a marine recruiter. The recruiter was able to get him to sign and agreement to enlist by telling him he would be able to get him a job that would insure him that he would not have to go to a war zone. His parents were told the same thing and told to sign a waiver. Many other lies were told to them by ...
10/14/2009 | Category: Military | State: Kansas | #19105Would a credit card or other financial product be liable for a breach of warranty?
Do you think that a financial product,such as a credit card, could be liable for breach of warranty?
10/14/2009 | Category: Warranties | State: Minnesota | #19103When must a landlord return my security deposit when I gave proper notice of termination?
I was a tenant in Washington DC. My apartment lease had expired on March 1, 2009 so I was on a verbal month to month with the landlord this Spring. On 5/21/09 I notified the landlord I would be moving out 6/30/09. But on 6/28/09 I found out that taking occupancy at my new apartment in antother city was delayed, so on 6/28/09 I asked the landlord if I could extend a few days unt...
10/14/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: District Of Columbia | #19102How Do I Transfer Real Property of Someone Who Died Intestate in Tennessee?
My husband passed away without a will. We had one piece of property that was not in both names. How do I go about selling or get it placed in my name and our two adult sons names? MY HUSBAND DIED SUDDENLY AFTER SURGERY.
10/14/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Tennessee | #19100What is the Definition of Employment Agency?
I received information from an attorney regarding setting up a staffing agency. However after considering the information I see that is not the proper classification for my business. I am a freelance execute assistant. So I work as a contractor on call for executives who may need a project completed. They may need travel arrangements, a database, presentation etc... I work eith...
10/14/2009 | Category: Employment | State: Maryland | #19094How Do I Revoke a Living Will Created by the Housing Authority in New York?
My mother lives in NYCHA and they placed a health care proxy on her illegally--how can she have it removed? She did not know they had done this to her and can I, her daughter, become POA for her?
10/13/2009 | Category: Power of Att... » Advanced Hea... | State: California | #19089Cam My Employer Lay Me Off and Then Rehire Me at a Lower Wage?
A new management took over our company back in May 2009. In June 24 2009, they announced that they're letting us go, and our last day, is 06/30/09. During that meeting, they gave us a choice to apply for this new company to fill the positions open. Almost half of us didn't apply, including me. The other half applied, but some of them didn't get the position. Now, during the la...
10/13/2009 | Category: Employment » Employment A... | State: California | #19088How Do I Register an Employment Agency to Allow Operation in Several States?
000000000000 I need to know what is required to register as a staffing agency for clients in MD, DC and VA?
10/13/2009 | Category: Employment » Employment A... | State: Maryland | #19085How Can I Sue A Subtenant for Breaching an Oral Lease in Pennsylvania?
I am a college student that lives in an apartment with one roommate. I sublet my room in the apartment to an individual while I was away for summer break. We had a verbal agreement that they would pay three months worth of rent (part of May, all of June, all of July, and part of August) to cover the sublease. Since I was still at the apartment in the beginning of May, I paid th...
10/13/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Pennsylvania | #19070