Legal Questions and Answers
May I legally install a hidden camera in my 12 year old's room?
In the state of texas is it legal to have a hidden camera in a 12 year old's room?
10/08/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Texas | #18997Am I obligated to provide child support for my stepchild in Kentucky?
I'm in Kentucky, i was told today that i would have to pay child support for my stepdaughter, her dad has already been ordered and her mom and myself are still married. Can they make 3 people pay child support?
10/08/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Kentucky | #18996How can I contest bequests to charity in a will and challenge the actions of an executrix?
My Aunt who resided in Massacusetts, passed away and named me as one of her heirs in her will. In her will she left about half a million to charities. Just before her death she wrote out checks for half a million dollars to these same charities, planning to remove these charities from her will, which she did not do before she died. She died suddlenly from a stroke. The execut...
10/08/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: Massachusetts | #18993Can a city put my work out to bid after 17 years?
I leased a piece of land from my city for 17 years an built a business on this land. I invested 300 hundred thousand just to get started. We worked very hard to build the clientele we have. Now that the contract is up in July 2010 the city wants to put my business out to bid instead of renewing with me. Their reason for this I was told is that the city is broke an they have to ...
10/08/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Florida | #18984How Do I Get Refinancing for Property in an Irrevocable Trust?
My husband and I recently had an irrevocable trust drawn. The Judge signed it 1/1/09. We did this as a precaution for our children in case of an untimely death. Since then, we tried to refinance our home, our only real asset, to make improvements only to find out that there doesn't seem to be a lending institution that will touch it with a ten foot pole because of the irrevoc...
10/07/2009 | Category: Trusts | State: Pennsylvania | #18982Can I Get the Company to Fix the Item or Pay Damages After the Warranty Has Expired?
We had a $1,000 part installed by Company A one year ago. The same company was out to check the system 6 months later and added 4 lbs of refrigerant and said there was probably a leak. We called Company B to look at our system yesterday and look for a leak. Company A had appeared to be very incompetent over the last year. Company B said the part was installed incorrectly and w...
10/07/2009 | Category: Warranties | State: Pennsylvania | #18980Can a Lease Be Terminated Early When a Couple Split Up in Connecticut?
My sister and her boyfriend signed a 1-year lease together a couple months ago. Her boyfriend has decided to end the relationship and has moved out. He is now asked my sister what to do with the apartment. She cannot afford the rent on her own and they were previously splitting it. How can they terminate the lease early. And can she legally require that her ex-boyfriend pa...
10/07/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Connecticut | #18977Should My Sister Divorce the Husband that is in Jail Because He Tried to Murder Her?
My brother and sister-in-law are currently legally separated. My brother is now serving 11 yrs in prison for attempted murder of his wife. She asked my advice on how she could get the house sold before the bank decides to foreclose & whether she needs to find out who might be handling his affairs (if anyone, as he foolishly represented himself in court). I told her to just divo...
10/06/2009 | Category: Divorce | State: Oregon | #18970What is the Law on Wills in Montana?
looking for advice on wills, in particular about assigning guardianship of a minor child, and legal ways to protect my live in girlfriends interests in case of my death
10/06/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Montana | #18969What Deed is Used To Transfer My Interest in Property to My Siblings?
The deed to my father's house was in my name. Since his death, my siblings and I have signed a quit claim deed. If I want to sign my portion of the house over to my siblings, what legal document do I need to make this official?
10/06/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Arkansas | #18968