Legal Questions and Answers
Is Email With an Attorney a Privileged Client Communication?
I am a Director on the BOD of an HOA. the prior BOD Restated our CC&R's & By Laws and lied to everyone stating they only made legal updates and 1 insurance wording change. They in fact made hundreds of changes outside their authority for our PUD, making material changes to our property rights. I have requested to see the 'Emails and all correspondence between the prior Pres....
09/02/2009 | Category: Evidence » Privileges | State: California | #18400Is a Tenant in New Jersey Liable for ther Whole Lease if the Tenant Dies?
My nephew signed a one year lease in Pennsylvania two months ago. He suddenly died and the landlord is claiming that he owes rent for the remainder of his lease. is that true? Does the landlord have an obligation to mitigate and/or find another tenant? Is there a statue -- e.g. in NJ -- that has a provision that abrogates his repsonsibilities???
09/02/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: New York | #18399Is a Parody of a Book Title Copyright Infringement?
I have an idea of writing a book and the title and contents would be a play on words of movie titles. Would this be subject to liscensing fees and or be considered copyright infringement?
09/02/2009 | Category: Copyrights | State: California | #18397Can A Corporation Claim a First Time Homebuyer Credit?
we have a business under a C corporation and plan to purchase a residential propert with a house on it with seller financing. as a corporation would we be able to get that $8,000.00 stimulus as a first time home buyer? the business operates on another island.
09/02/2009 | Category: Taxes | State: Hawaii | #18393Can a Neighbor Give Others Permission to Cross My Property?
I have a hunting lease, which i have owner authority for the 1250 acres of land for 20+ years an am responsible for the insurance, and upkeep and posting of property and keeping unwanted persons off the premises...On the back side of our property is 40 acres of timber and the owner of it rarely see it, but i have unwanteds come and go through our property damaging the cared for...
09/02/2009 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Arkansas | #18392Can A Parent Cancel A Child's Sale of a Horse?
A 16 year old is defiant and mad at his parents. He moves out. He is later diagnosed by a counselor with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). He has a horse that is registered in his name and has a Bill of Sale for the horse. He tells a teacher at the school he 'wants nothing to do with his parents' and sells the horse to the teacher for the $1000. The minor did not have pare...
09/01/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Montana | #18384Can A Storage Facility Deny Access to My Other Units Rented Under a Different Company Name?
I have 3 self storage units under 3 different business names. One unit is current and the other 2 units both under different names are behind. The storage facility will not allow me acess to the unit that is current and because of this I am not able to run that company or access that unit. Is this legal?
09/01/2009 | Category: Abandoned Pr... » Abandoned Pr... | State: Virginia | #18383How Do I Change My Name on My Birth Certificate in Virginia?
My mother-in-law's last name was incorrectly annotated on her birth certificate when she was born. But she has been using her intended name all her life. Now she's having all kinds of problems. How can we change her birth certificate to reflect the name she's been using all her life?
09/01/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: Virginia | #18382How Do I Fight the Mediator's Recommendation in a California Divorce?
If I have joint legal and physical custody, can the other parent send our child to a psychologist without my consent? And use use there opinion in court. Based upon the fact she is a respected mediation counselor in another city but she saw may daughter as apart of her private practice. Also my ex wife was also an executive secretary in the county court offices. We have two...
09/01/2009 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: California | #18377How Do I Change the Successor Agent in A Power of Attorney in Illinois?
My wife is disabled and I have POA over her affairs. I need to change the designated backup POA person. How do I do this?
09/01/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Illinois | #18376